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During packing, Mikey notice that Kokonoi and Takeomi were packing for somewhere.

"Where are you going?" Mikey asked.

"There was an event at a school that we invested in" Takeomi answered.

Mikey didn't say anything.

He pretty much kept locking himself in his office.

He decided to join in whatever the two were playing.

It won't hurt to get outside the house for once right?

"I'm joining you," Mikeys said.

They couldn't disagree so they decided to just let him join them.




"Why is almost everyone with us again?" Kokonoi said.

Every executive of Bonten was in the same private plane.

"Well we just came with you since Mikey is with you, might as well add some extra protection" Sanzu smiled.

The original plan was to let Mikey come with them but it ended up all members of the Bonten executive were there.




The plane was landing at its destination.

Everyone was getting down from the plane, and Rindou stopped.

'Why do I feel like something is gonna happened?' Rindou looked at the sky.

"You'll get to meet her... soon..." the wind whispered.

Rindou's eyes widened.

"Rin!" Ran called out to him.

Rindou just shook his head, leaving the plane.




They arrived at their rented penthouse in the area near the art school.

While unpacking Kokonoi coughed to get their attention.

"The event that we're attending is a school event and I hope that you act like a normal person, I'm not risking for our asses to get caught got it?" Kokonoi threatened the Bonten trio.

The three immediately said 'YES'.

Kokonoi gently massaged his forehead.




They were split since the others were on dealing with some business. Either it's a client or them getting laid.

Rindou was roaming around the shops in Stellis.

His eyes locked when he saw a girl picking out some doll clothes.

Her (H/C) hair was tied in a loose bun.

She seems busy picking out some outfits of some sort.

Her right hand was carrying a doll while her left hand was carrying her phone.

Rindou's eyes followed the girl's form.

He decided to enter the store to get a closer look at her.

The girl ran up to the ginger head guy and gave the basket full of doll shoes and clothes.

'He might be her guardian or dad...' Rindou thought.

Her guardian of some sort was waiting for the checkout while the girl was roaming around the store.

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