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(Y/N) tries to persuade Naoto to try to come back and get Akira's body, but Naoto kept refusing.

Naoto can't bear the thought of his wife's dead body right in front of him.

Too much. Too much.

Naoto grabbed (Y/N)'s arm firmly and said, "No matter what happens we are not coming back inside the building".

That warning made (Y/N) scared of Naoto and decided to just return to the situation later.

While Naoto and (Y/N) were hiding from the convenience store, a gunshot was fired at the cashier.

The two immediately went to the back exit of the convenience store.

The two ran and ran as far as they could.

Leading to a forest.

"So, we are in the middle of nowhere?" (Y/N) mumbled as she looked around.

"Seems like it" Naoto wondered his eyes around their area.

A group of heavy footsteps came by immediately alerting the two.

"We have to go now" Naoto pulled (Y/N) and went multiple ways.

"We have to go now" Naoto pulled (Y/N) and went multiple ways

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"Ugh! This is so annoying!" Sanzu whined.

The Bonten members woke up and saw that their victims weren't in the building anymore.

They quickly went outside and manhunt the two.

"Everyone find Akira, Naoto, and (Y/N)! You can kill Naoto but not Akira and (Y/N)" Mikey ordered.

The Haitani brothers and Kokonoi were inside the building while Mikey, Kakucho, and Sanzu went outside.

"How the hell are we going to find them?! The forest is huge" Sanzu complained.

"Split up, we might find them faster," Mikey said.

Sanzu was about to complain again but Mikey already left as well as Kakucho.

"Tch. Guess I have to find them myself" he grumbled in annoyance.

 Guess I have to find them myself" he grumbled in annoyance

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