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Mikey was sitting on one of the sofas of the large room.

His fingers tapped on the armrest, indicating he was starting to get impatient.

In front of him was a tied-up Elisse and Chifuyu.

"Wake them up" he commanded.

Sanzu kicked Chifuyu while Ran slapped Elisse.

The two were finally awake.

"W-What-" Elisse opened her eyes.

"Mikey! Help me!" Elisse said.

Elisse tried to remove the ropes but to no avail.

"Shut it whore" Sanzu grunted in annoyance.

"So tell us... what are you planning?" Mikey asked.

Elisse stop struggling when Mikey asked her.

"One of our men saw you entered the building we were currently in at Stellis and you left there all bloodied up," Kokonoi said.

"I don't know what y-your talking a-about" Elisse stuttered.

"Don't lie, we know you don't like being bloodied up but you left the building without changing our clothes so start talking before we put you to your eternity sleep" Kakucho threatened.

"As I said I don't know what you are talking about!" Elisse yelled.

She kept on proving her innocence. 

Rindou had enough and slapped Elisse's face.

"We don't trust you whore" Rindou was so close to slapping her face again.

Elisse was quiet.

"Fine," she said while her head was looking at the ground.

"I killed Akira!" Elisse finally admitted.

"I killed her since you kept chasing her! I was there for you yet you kept looking in the other direction instead of me"

"When she left you guys, I was there!"

"But we didn't need you" Ran crossed his arms.

"But here I was! I was comforting you-"

"We didn't need your comfort" Kakucho argued.

"I was there by your side-"

"You never were" Mikey also argued.

Elisse was finally caught.

Her lies won't be able to deceive them anymore.

"We dealt with you only the fact we didn't want Akira to be upset when she came back but now oh how we regret it so much," Kokonoi said.

Mikey stood up from his seat and grab the gun from his side.

"I am fucking tired of your bullshit" Mikey removed the safety lock of the gun.

"You not only had the gut to sleep with us," first step.

"You even had the gut to place your hands on Akira" second step.

"You even acted like a saint to (Y/N)" third step.

"You made us look like a fucking fool" fourth step.

Each step he took was like the sound of the bell of death.

Each pang of the bell was signaling how close she was to death.

"M-Mikey-" a gunshot rang to their ears.

"Now..." Mikey looks at the now awake Chifuyu.

"Tell me you ungrateful fuck" Mikey kicked Chifuyu on the stomach.

"Ack!" Chifuyu painfully yelped.

"What the fuck were you doing back at Stellis?" Mikey asked.

"Also are you the one who ambushed us?" Takeomi asked.

Chifuyu couldn't answer since he was getting punched by Sanzu.

"You fucking ungrateful bitch" Mikey kept kicking him.

"I only did it...since I promise Baji-san..." Chifuyu painfully answered.

"Bullshit" Sanzu smacked Chifuyu by the back of his head.

"We know your other intentions just fucking admit it already," Rindou said.

"Admit or we'll kill you" Mikey threatened him.

Chifuyu smirked at Mikey.

"Guess your gonna kill me," Chifuyu said with confidence.

"Any last words?"Mikey asked.

"Akira said your dick was way too small for her, try again"

After Chifuyu said his last words, Mikey shot him in the head.

"Fucking brat"

"Fucking brat"

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