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A year passed since the incident with Bonten.

Naoto is still working as a detective while (Y/N) was staying with Luke.

Naoto trusted Luke to watch over her since he feared that if he came back with his child, shit may not go well again.

So he left (Y/N) at Stellis.

He decided to send her to school.

As much as he hates it, (Y/N) does deserve to be a normal child like the others.

As much as he didn't want her to not be by his side, he doesn't really have a choice.

On the other hand, Bonten just became more cruel and inhumane.

Almost killing people on sight.

Did they see you? You are dead.

Did you mention them? You are dead.

What do you think about them? You are also dead.

Almost all of their crime became more like a horror movie mafia crazy type of shit.

Too gruesome to be even understood.

Well not really, they just lost their "love of their love" and their supposed child was 'dead'.

You're probably thinking why in the world did they think that (Y/N) was dead.

An easy explanation is that, before coming back to Japan.

Naoto and Luke fake her death to make sure that Bonten will never cross paths with her.

After a successful attempt, Luke asked his close friend to help him change (Y/N)'s name to keep it hidden.

(Y/N) is now living a normal life.

No more crazy runaways or even on the watchlist to be kidnapped by some criminal organization.

Luke sent her to a close friend, who was a psychiatrist.

Turns out that (Y/N) was suffering from some PTSD and anxiety after the incident.

Luke told Naoto about it and decided to just let her rest for a while.

Currently, she is now studying at an art school.

She wanted to try new things.


Right now as we speak, she did some stretches.

Preparing for her upcoming performance that week.

Naoto couldn't attend at the moment since he was also busy sorting out some cases regarding minor mysteries here and there.

(Y/N) grabbed her bag and looked for her shoes.

"(Y/N)?" her teacher called.

(Y/N) stopped what she was doing and walked toward her teacher.

"Yes ma'am?" she answered.

"I'm sorry to say this honey but the competition this week is canceled," her teacher said.

(Y/N) frowned.

"But you are gonna perform the same routine but for the anniversary of the school" her teacher happily clapped.

"Anniversary?" (Y/N) asked.

"I forgot that you are a transferee!" her teacher said while embarrassed.

"Every year we celebrate the anniversary of our school! We perform in front of many people such as the board of the school and the shareholders or the people who invested in the school"

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