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(Y/N) woke up from a soft hand gently petting her.

"M-Mama...?" she muttered.

Her eyes flutter, wanting to see properly.

A female voice giggled.

"Silly girl, I'm just your nanny but I don't mind you calling me mama," the female said.

Her eyes finally opened properly and saw that she was in the same room as when she arrived here.

"What happened?! and who are you?!" she bombarded the lady in front of her.

The lady seems to be around 20-25 years old. She has a milky type of skin tone. Her jet black hair is tied neatly in a bun and seems to be wearing a standard. 

Her uniform seems to be inspired by those European types of maid's uniform. A long sleeve dress with a white apron tied by a ribbon by the back.

But one thing that is noticeable about her is her smile. Her smile just screams innocence or just her being full of sunshine but (Y/N) has a gut feeling that a smile isn't just a smile it seems sinister.

(Y/N) just internally shuddered at the thought.

"First you bumped your head into something, knocking you out cold, and second didn't I tell you that I am your nanny" she patted (Y/N)'s head.

'She feels like mama...' she likes her head getting patted.

"Anyways, (Y/N) dear I must do some chores for a while don't hesitate to call me if you need anything. I must now go" she stood up from the bed.

She glides her way to the door before waving goodbye to (Y/N).

"Jesus... I'm not a baby anymore and why even bother getting a nanny? I'm literally a teenager who can be independent-" she rubbed her head.

"You need someone to look after you. I can't have you getting lost or hurt you know" a male voice said.

(Y/N) stopped rubbing her head and slowly turn her head towards the voice.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! MIKEY!" she screamed. She pulled the covers near her.

Mikey covered his ears. "Geez, why are you loud? It's just me-"

Elisse suddenly appeared out of thin air and she grabbed Mikey by his head and threw him across the room.

(Just imagine instead of Haruhi and Tamaki, that's you and Mikey are laying down, the difference is that the both of you are sitting and this is just the reference for it^^)

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(Just imagine instead of Haruhi and Tamaki, that's you and Mikey are laying down, the difference is that the both of you are sitting and this is just the reference for it^^)

A large crack was seen on the wall. Indicating the large impact that Elisse did to Mikey.

"(Y/N) dear what's wrong? Did Mikey scare you again?" she gently rubs (Y/N)'s shoulders.

"My god! I'm sorry about your old man, maybe he's just having his mood swings his ban from eating dorayaki for a week" she lovingly hug the girl.

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