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(Y/N) woke up.

She felt a little dizzy but it was bearable.

She looked around and notice that she wasn't in the car.

'Is this someone's apartment?' she looked down and saw that she was wearing a different outfit.

"You're awake!" a cheerful voice greeted her from the back.

"Who are you?" she raised her eyebrow at him.

"Awee... Here I thought you would greet me but I understand that you don't know me so let's begin"

Luke walked towards (Y/N).

"I'm Luke Pearce. I'm a detective at Stellis!" Luke reached out his hand to (Y/N).

"Stellis?" she mumbled.

The moment she held his hand with hers, a sudden jolt occurred.




(Y/N) notice that she was backed in the building she was being held a while ago.

She was in front of her mom's dead body.

She felt so guilty for leaving her mom in the dark.

She heard footsteps coming into the room.

Her eyes lifted up to see a surprise Kokonoi.

"Shit! Ran! Rindou! Call the others, Akira is dead" Kokonoi yelled.

Ran and Rindou head inside the room.

They were shocked to see her cold body on the floor.

Rindou called the ones who are outside while Ran called the remaining guards in the building.

"Do any of you know who entered the building beside us?" Ran asked.

A man steps out of the crowd and said, "Elise was here also Chifuyu!"

Mikey's eyes widened at the mention of Chifuyu and Elise.

'The fuck are they doing here? Aren't they supposed to be back at the main mansion?'

"I'm not sure why Chifuyu was here but I saw Elise leaving the building the room kinda bloody and smiling"

The executives were stunned.

"Are the other people in the building while we're out?" Kokonoi asked.

"I guess there was this guy with Chifuyu, I don't know his name-"

Mikey stomped his feet.

"Head back to the main base and wait for my command" Mikey yelled.

The members yelled "yes" and left the building.

"Mikey?" Rindou called out to Mikey, who was obviously pissed at this point.

"We have to talk to Elise. I'm fucking suspicious of her at this point" Mikey answered.

"Also I want you to tell one of our men to follow Chifuyu. That fucker is a traitor" Mikey ordered them.

"And lastly, find (Y/N) and Naoto. Don't bring them yet, someone might get alerted if they were taken. Someone might start pointing fingers at us way too quickly"

Mikey left with Sanzu.

The others immediately run to their cars and headed to the airport.

𝑨𝒄𝒄𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝑹𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏Where stories live. Discover now