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"(N/N) can also see multiple memories at once from different people. Might as well add the last moments who died"

Naoto and (Y/N) sat in confusion.

"How?" (Y/N) asked.

'Is it also connected to that one memory of me being shot in the head?' -(Y/N)

She slowly touch where she was shot in the head.

'How do I even do that? Does it explain the other foreign memories like the last time?'- (Y/N)

(Y/N) remembered while she was playing on her phone.

She turned off the phone.

After turning it off, she closes her eyes.

But when she opened her eyes again, she suddenly teleported to a huge ass place.

She seems to be in a corner of the room of some sort.

She looked around and saw a couple of familiar faces.

'Sanzu, Kakucho, and Uncle Koko?'- (Y/N)

She walked towards the boys.

'Mr. Sanzu looks like a bubblegum lol' she giggled.

'Uncle Koko looks like a snake or a lizard' she looked at him.

'I just realized uncle Koko had black hair? Meh' she turned around.

When she tried to follow whatever they were looking for and saw a figure in front of them.

'He looks familiar' she sat next to him.

She can all of them but for some reason, they can't see her.

The blond male sitting in front of everyone seems to be like their boss.

His head hung low as if he was thinking about something.

The blonde strands of his hair drape to the side of his while the middle part is tied to the back.

'He looks oddly familiar...' she thought.

She decided to sit right next to the guy to further observe him.

He raised his head.


Those familiar dead soulless eyes.

Cold as ice.

Mikey's dead eyes roam around the room.

His eyes suddenly stared at (Y/N)'s.

(Y/N) felt shivers down her spine.

'He saw me?' she started shaking.

His hand suddenly reached out to her.

Her heart started to beat faster when his hand was about to touch her.

She closes her eyes very tightly.

'Oh no! Welp guesses I'm gonna die-' his hands went past through her.

She felt nothing.

Mikey just grabbed a pillow.

'Assumerang tanga nga naman ako oh (Translation: I'm such an assuming idiot)'- (Y/N)

Mikey rested his back on the sofa.

They seem to be preparing for something.

(Y/N) couldn't hear what they were saying since their voices were muffled.

𝑨𝒄𝒄𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝑹𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏Where stories live. Discover now