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"Stand here and don't move" I firmly told Jade as I placed her in front of the bench that's at the foot of my bed.

"Yes, s- wait, can I use the toilet?"

"As long as you're quick" I replied. Of course I didn't mean it, and to be honest I was glad she was going to the toilet now. It means she can be in bondage for longer.

I went to my walk in wardrobe and over to my... drawer... and pulled out bunches of white rope. While I was doing this, I heard the toilet flush. She better damn well be stood where I told her to.

About a minute later, I went back out with all the rope. "Good girl," I praised Jade because she was stood back in her spot, "thank you for waiting for me."

I walked over to the bed and chucked all the rope onto it, near the end.

"That's a lot of rope" Jade commented as she looked over at it all. I couldn't quite tell if she was nervous or excited. Probably both.

"Yep, and it's all going to be put on you," I replied, "now come here" I said as I suddenly spun her around and grabbed her by her wrists. I pulled them together behind her back, causing Jade to gasp in surprise, and then sat down on the bench, bringing her down with me so she was sat on my lap.

While still holding her wrists together with my left hand, I reached over and grabbed a piece of rope with my right and got straight to work.

The ropes were already folded in half, therefore I wrapped the rope around her wrists and threaded the loose end through the bite and pulled tight.

I needed more space to work, so I pushed on Jade's back and bent her over. Holy shit, this view.

I wrapped the rope around her wrists, making sure to keep the rope tight but not uncomfortable, and then cinched it in between vertically. Once I was near the end of the rope, I tied it off and made sure the knot was well out of reach of her prying fingers.

I reached behind me and grabbed another piece of rope. I pulled Jade up again by her elbows and wrapped the rope just above them. I pulled slowly as I didn't know how flexible she was, but to my pleasant surprise, I managed to bring her elbows right back so they were near enough touching together before I heard a faint little groan.

"Is that okay? Or is it too painful?" I asked Jade before I continued.

"It feels good, sir" she replied with a nod.

"Such a good girl" I praised and carried on wrapping the rope around her elbows, the same as I did her wrists. I eventually finished and tied it off, "how does that feel?"

Jade squirmed slightly, baring in mind she was still sat on my lap so she was basically grinding against my dick, causing me to hold back a moan. "It feels tight but not uncomfortable" she then said.

"Good," I said as I placed my hand on her thigh and gently stroked up and down, "you're very flexible."

Jade, once again, squirmed on my fucking dick. "Is that a good thing?"

"It's a very good thing" I answered and moved my hand round to stroke her inner thigh, teasingly right next to her privates.

Jade let out a little gasp and looked down at my hand.

"God I've only got your arms tied behind your back but I could do so much to you already" I teased.

She shook her head, "don't tease me."

I chuckled at this, "or what? What are you going to do?"

Jade sighed and looked at me.

"Well? Because I don't think you're going to get very far with your arms like this" I smirked.

She stared at me for a second and then rolled her eyes and looked away from me.

"And I certainly wouldn't give me attitude while being tied up either" I muttered.

"Sorry, sir" she quickly apologised.

"Hmm... Anyway, let's continue, shall we?" I asked while raising my eyebrow up at her.

Jade looked at me and nodded her head. With that, I lifted her up and off of me by her waist so I could stand up, and then I seated her back down on the bench. I grabbed a couple more pieces of rope and tied her ankles together with one and then just below her knees with the other - both exactly the same as how I tied her wrists and elbows.

"How's that?" I asked just as I finished knotting the one below her knees.

She squirmed around and she could barely move, "very good."

"Good" I replied and grabbed another piece of rope. I moved Jade so she was now sat slightly diagonal on the bench, therefore I could stand behind her.

I wrapped the rope around her body and elbows, just below her boobs, and pulled tight. This causes her arms to be pinned against her and further restricting her movements. I continued to wrap the rope below and then above her boobs.

Then from her elbows, I passed it up and over one shoulder, in between her boobs to loop under the bottom rope, then bought it back over her other shoulder and to her elbows again.

Once again from there, I bought the rope up and under one armpit, round the back of her along her shoulders, and then back under her other armpit.

Finally at her elbows once more, I bought the rope up to her neck and looped it under the rope I just put there. I gave it a good few tugs meaning everything tightened and really bought her shoulders back.

"Ah," Jade half groaned and half gasped.

I stopped tugging, "yellow?" I asked.

She quickly shook her head, "no sir, green."

This made me smile in awe at her - she's amazing.

I bought the rope back down to her elbows and tied it off by giving it a few knots to keep it in place. "How's that for you?" I asked.

"Very good... Almost too good, should I be worried?" She joked.

"I think it's a little late to start getting worried, don't you think?" I chuckled. While still standing behind her, I wrapped my hand around her throat and bought her head back, causing her to look up at the ceiling. "Put it this way, if you couldn't even get out of a simple bed tie, you certainly won't be getting out of this by yourself," I somewhat snarled in her ear.

Jade groaned and squirmed slightly in her bonds, though managed to nod her head a little, "okay, sir."

"And I'm not even done with you just yet."


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