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"Oh look who's here," Tony called out as he approached me, "if it isn't fancy range rover guy."

I sighed and lit my cigarette. I took a puff and then blew it out, "what do you want, Tony?"

"Still here then?" He asked.

"Of course I'm still here. You literally just saw me no more than two hours ago" I replied bluntly. "I'm leaving tomorrow morning, if that's what you're hinting at."

"Ahh, good. So Jade will be done and dusted with you then? Ready for the next guy to take up there?"

"What?" I quickly replied and pulled an over exaggerated confused face. "No, we both have work tomorrow and I don't live around here" I explained - not that I actually needed to. "Anyway, if you actually have a job then you'll understand" I then slightly muttered and took a puff.

"I wouldn't think yourself lucky pulling her you know," he started saying and glanced up at the building. "The amount of men she has up there every weekend is actually disgusting."

I stood up, so he had to look up at me now, and took a step forward. "I've known Jade for a very long time, and I know she wouldn't do that. She's not the type. So don't you dare talk down on her like that" I firmly said and glared at him.

"Oh, so you think you're the only guy she's talking to? You do realise that Paul here has had his share of her, right?" He said as he patted on his buddy's shoulder who stood beside him.

I looked over to this Paul guy and looked him up and down. A few seconds later, I let out a laugh, "that's funny."

There's no way in hell that Jade would go for someone like that. He must think I was born yesterday to think I'd believe that.

"Oh well, you'll find out the hard way when you catch her fucking some other guy" Tony snarled.

With that, my phone made a noise to tell me I had received a message. I pulled it out of my pocket and checked it.

I'm ready whenever you are. I'll pop the kettle on x

"Well fellas," I started saying as I put my phone back in my pocket, "it's been lovely to chat to you both, but I've gotta run now." I sarcastically said and dropped my cigarette on the ground right in between us both. While looking at them, I placed my foot on it and twisted it to put it out. "Have a good evening" I then said with a smirk.

I picked the bag up and walked off into the building, making my way up the stairs.

Now, I know what you all must be thinking... 2 days certainly does not class as knowing someone for a very long time.

I was talking shit.

That prick doesn't need to know how long I've known Jade for.

I'm fairly good at judging people's characters pretty instantly, and I know that sleeping around is not something Jade likes to do. Therefore, I felt like she needed someone in her corner to back her up. Of course I'd be damned if it were true, but I was not going to let this dickhead try and make her look bad to me.

I reached her front door and knocked on it. "Jade, it's only me" I called out.

A few seconds later, the door opened to be greeted by a bare-faced, messy bun and white robe wearing Jade. Who was also giving me a big smile.

"God, you're beautiful" I quietly said and shook my head in disbelief.

"Shut up," she chuckled and rolled her eyes, "just come in."

I followed her in and to the kitchen. I placed the bag on the counter top while she went over to a cupboard.


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