Characters Page

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Ai Sendou: Ai is the son of Aichi Sendou, and Kourin Tatsunagi. Ai is a kind person like his dad. But at first he wasn't interested with cardfighting because he didn't like the publicity he gets from his dad. But when he saw a start deck named Apex Ruler, a unit called Apex Ruler Bastion called him, and he bought it. And now he's interested into Vanguard. Find out more about his story soon Ai's main deck is Apex Ruler Bastion.

Yamato Kai: Yamato is the son of Toshiki Kai, and Misaki Tokura. Yamato's dad hasn't been in his life much because of his work. Yamato has problems about his dad, and gets angry when someone mentions his dad because of how rare his dad has been from his life. Yamato and Ai will have a strong rivalry as the journey progresses. Yamato's main deck is Nirvana with OverDress.

Koy Ishida: Koy is the son of Naoki Ishida, and Maki Nagashiro. Koy is like his father meaning he's a hothead, kind, but can be dumb, and is a pretty cool guy. He's gonna be AI's best friend as this journey goes on. Koy's deck is Eugene. (best deck lol)

Hinata Kai: Hinata/Hina is the daughter of Toshiki Kai, and Misaki Tokura, and is the twin sister of Yamato Kai. She's always thinking ahead, has perfect memory like her mother, and is always willing to help, and always has a kind heart. Her and Ai will have special feelings as the journey progresses. Hina's deck is Hexaorb.

Alex Shindou: Alex is the son of Chrono Shindou, and Tokoha Anjou. He's like his father that has a scary presence, but is kind hearted. He likes to have all out Cardfights the most out of everyone, and thinks helping people sort their feelings is a full forced Cardfight. Alex's deck is Bruce.

Ryan Suzugamori: Ryan is the son of Ren Suzugamori, and Asaka Narumi. Ryan gained PSYqualia from his father, and is obsessed with it. He believes in only the strong will survive, and darkness conquers all, just like his father was. He and Ai will be like both their fathers and be opposites of each other. Ryan's deck is Phantom Blaster Dragon.

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