Chapter 13: The greed of the circus: Akami Suzugamori.

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Ai: Bastion!

Yamato: Nirvana!

Alex: Bruce!

Koy: Eugene!

MC: Woah Team Neo Q4 has been winning round after round! The semi finals wasn't a problem for them even! Is this their first tournament?! Especially Ai Sendou being the son of Aichi Sendou!

Ai: Oh god not this. 💢

Alex: What's wrong with popularity?

Ai: Former champion, and a former idol is more a pain than you think.

Alex: Dude my parents were generation masters.

Ai: Why do I bother?

MC: Woah it seems like Team Darkness wins again, and will fight Neo Q4 in the finals! For the teams Neo Q4 led by Ai Sendou vs Darkness led by Ryan Suzugamori! Which one will win?! We'll find out tomorrow!

*opening plays Go Forward by KIMERU*

Alex: Were those rounds a little to fast?

Koy: Yeah it keeps feeling like things are fast.

Yamato: Who cares?! Focus!

Koy: Buzzkill!

Yamato: Clown!

Koy: This "clown" won us the first round!

Ai: Enough!

Koy: Yes sir.

Yamato: I was forced to this team Ai! I never agreed to this!

Ai: It was this or keep hating your father Yamato!

Alex: Oh boy he pressed the button.

Koy: I ain't involved in this.

Yamato: Cuz he's good for nothing while you are just a copy of your dad Ai! I'm out!

*Yamato leaves*

Koy: Good riddance!

Ai: I shouldn't have snapped like that.

Alex: That happened.

Ai: I should go and apologize.

Koy: I would have let him be.

Ai: No I have to apologize when I see him at school.

*the next day at Fukuhara*

Ai: Classes have been the same.

Hina: You said it.

Yamato: Ai!

Ai: Yamato! Look about yesterday I'm sorry about yelling at you like that.

Hina: That was fast.

Yamato: I was gonna say the same. I apologize. But I know I can't beat Ryan. You can.

Ai: Me?!

Yamato: Yes I mean you.

Hina: Why is he being nicer when he's with Ai? Oh well.

Ai: I will.

Yamato: (He's the only hope I have that can beat Ryan, and show him the truth.)

*after school everyone went to the arena for the finals*

MC: The finals has began with Neo Q4 vs Darkness. First off for Neo Q4 is Alex Shindou vs Akami Suzugamori.

Ai: Who?

Yamato: Ryan's sister.

Ai: I didn't know that.

Alex: Sorry lady but you're going down!

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