Chapter 15: Final battle! Ai vs Ryan

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Ai: This is it.

Koy: Time moved pretty fast.

(I did make a self aware joke)

Alex: Bro I'm kinda scared like what if you can't win?

Ai: Well I gotta try at least.

Yamato: I hate to admit this but Ai has the power to beat Ryan. He's our hope.

Koy: Does anyone else think this is a little to fast?

Ai: Koy you said that already. 😅

Koy: Oh yeah.

Yamato: Idiot.

Alex: I have to agree there.

Koy: You guys are the worst of the worst.🥲

Ai: Well wish me luck.

Yamato: Good luck.

*opening plays Go Forward by KIMERU*

*Ai and Ryan went to their cardfight battle arena*

Ryan: I destroyed you the last time and now I'm gonna do the same again.

Ai: I wouldn't make sure of it. I got a little stronger since last time.

*both their PSYqualias activate*

Aichi: What does that remind me of.

Ren: Difference is you always win.

Aichi: Come on Ren it was an equal match.

Ren: Sure it was.

Kai: And Ryan acts like you were.

Ren: I'm a changed man Kai let that go man.

Kai: Do you know how many got hurt by the VF gloves?!

Aichi: Ok calm down. Let's just watch Ai, and Ryan fight ok?

Ren: I see you never change Aichi. (Ai has to win and since he's Aichi's son I shouldn't be to worried hopefully.)

Ai: I'll free you Ryan from this!

Ryan: Ai you don't get it do you?

Ai: What?

Ryan: This power is only for those worthy! Yours was a little gift from your father.

Yamato: He does know that's the same with him right?

Alex: Pride comes before a fall they say.

Koy: I thought it was "the fall".

Yamato: It was "a fall" Koy.

Koy: Aw man!

MC: Now this fight is the final battle between Ai Sendou, and Ryan Suzugamori! Are you two ready!

Ai, and Ryan: Always!

MC: Then let's begin!


Ai: Ride Fort.

Ryan: Ride Blaster Javelin, and attack.

(Ai-1 Ryan-0)

Ai: Ride Rooks, reveal 2 G3s, and call the top card.

*the top card was Refuerzos*

Ai: Call Refuerzos, and Rooks attack!

Ryan: go ahead.

*Ai checks a crit, and Ryan's damage was a Macha, and a heal*

Koy: Oh come on!

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