Chapter 6: Card Capital Shop Tournament

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Ai: A tournament, on Card Capital?

Hina: Yeah, my mom told me to tell you that. Are you gonna enter?

Ai: Well, I don't know. I'm sure I won't last long.

Hina: Don't worry, it's fun Ai. I joined how many of them, but Yamato always wins in them.

Ai: Yamato. Hina, will he be in it?

Yamato: Yeah, but as long as you're in it now. Apparently, he doesn't take that loss he had against you well.

Ai: I wouldn't blame him. (I want to fight you again Yamato, this is the perfect opportunity.) I'll join Hina.

Hina: Great!

Ai: (I have to win to fight Yamato. Get ready Bastion, this might be hard.)

*opening plays Go Forward by KIMERU*

Yamato: *hears my phone ring, and answers* What is it Hinata?

Hina: Ai's joining bro, now will you join mom's tournament at Card Capital again?

Yamato: So I have a chance to defeat him for our last fight. I'll join Hinata, I'll beat Ai for that humiliation.

Hina: Whatever you say. (He really wants this, I hope Ai can fight him.)

*the day for the tournament came*

Misaki: Thank you everyone for joining the Card Capital Shop Tournament. This tournament be individual, and bracket will be randomized. Good luck everyone.

Ai: (Alright Bastion, are you ready?)

*the first few rounds went by fast, now at round 4 (I want this done fast tbh cuz I got a whole arc for a tournament ready 🥲)*

Ai: Ok, doing good so far.

*Ai walks to his next opponent.*

Ai: Hello, I'm Ai Sendou.

Am: My name is Am Anaya, nice to meet you.

Ai: Nice to meet you too. Are you ready?

Am: Yep, when you are.

Ai:(She has the same energy as Hina.)


Ai: Base.

Am: Lotte.

Ai: (Stoicheia.)

Am: Can I go first?

Ai: Sure.

Am: I draw, and ride Charis. I end my turn.

Ai: Draw, ride Fort, and draw. Attack. *8k*

Am: Ok.

Ai: *checks a PG*

Am: *damage was a Magnolia*

Ai: I end my turn.

*Ai: damage 0 hand 7 Am: damage 1 hand 5*

Am: Draw, and ride Lattice. Skill of Charis, reveal the top card, and call it. *top card was a Lattice* Call, and Vanguard Lattice attacks! *10k*

Ai: No guard. *damage was a draw* *20k*

Am: Vanguard Lattice attacks! *10k*

Ai: No guard.

Am: Drive Check. *checks a Charis* I end my turn.

*Ai: damage 1 hand 8 Am: damage 1 hand 6*

Ai: Stand, and draw, and ride Rooks. Skill of Fort. *top card was a critical* Call, and Rooks attacks* *15k*

Am: No guard.

Ai: Drive check. *checks a Bastion*

Am: Damage check. *damage was a Giunisla (care bear)*

Ai: I end my turn.

*Ai: damage 1 hand 9 Am: damage 2 hand 6*

Am: My turn. I stand, draw, and ride Magnolia. Skill of Lattice, SB 1, reveal the top card. *top card was a Lattice* Call to the back row.

Ai: (Why the back row?)

Am: Call my last Lattice, and Charis. Magnolia attack!

Ai: No guard.

Am: Drive check. *checks an order, and a critical* Critical, power to the Lattice to the left front row, and critical to Magnolia.

Ai: Damage check. *damage was a Rafluke, and a critical*

Am: Magnolia's skill, CB 1, and my rear guard Lattice can attack from the back row.

Ai: What!

Am: Back row Lattice! Skill, SB1, and he gains 10k power *20k*

Ai: No guard. *damage was a heal*

Am: My turn is done.

*Ai: damage 3 hand 9 Am: damage 2 hand 6*

Ai: Stand, draw, and ride Bastion. Skill of Rooks, I draw. I call! *calls 2 Fosados and 3 Dark Strain Dragon* Skill of Dark Strain, SB2, all my G3s can boost. Fosado to the left! *15k*

Am: Guard. *critical 15k+13k=28k*

Ai: Bastion attack!

Am: No guard.

Ai: Twin drive. *checks a critical* Power to Fosado to the right. *checks the Keter Overtrigger* Overtrigger! 100 million power to the Fosado to the right, I draw, and all my rear guards gain drive checks.

Am: What! Damage. *damage was a dooger, and a heal*

Ai: Fosado attack!

Am: PG!

Ai: Twin drive. *checks a critical and a Alden* Skill of Bastion, discard a card, Fosado stands with 10k power.

Am: What!?

Ai: Fosado to the left! *25k*

Am: No guard.

Ai: Twin drive. *checks a Bastion, and a critical*

Am: Damage. *checks 2 critical and a front*

*Ai wins*

Am: You were incredible Ai.

Ai: Thank you Anaya.

Am: Call me Am Ai.

Ai: O-Ok.

Hina: (💢 Who does she think she is?)

Yamato: Nirvana, end this!

Kamui: The semi finals is been confirmed. Ai Sendou vs Koy Ishida, and Yamato Kai vs Hinata Kai. Good luck to you 4 after the break.

Ai: Ok I have to beat Koy to fight Yamato again.

Koy: Yo my dude how've you been!?

Ai: Koy! You scared me.

Koy: 😅 I do that. Anyways, you want to fight Yamato? Well I'll not make it easy for you.

Ai: Same here Koy.

Koy: I won't go down like last time.

*ending plays 99% by BOWL*

(Am: Aw man, I didn't Persona ride.)

(Ai: Would Magnolia do anything on Persona ride?)

(Am: Yeah, I would pick all my back row to attack.)

(Ai: Oh, I'm sorry Am.)

(Am: Don't worry, fight that idiot and win!)

(Koy: I'm right here. 😑)

(Ai: Hina, are you ok?)

(Hina: Yeah I'm completely fine. (I won't let her take Ai. 💢))

(Ai: Uh ok?)

Next time on Cardfight!!! Vanguard: The Future. Koy VS Ai, the first rematch.

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