Chapter 12: Team Neo Q4's first tournament

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*After the last chapter Yamato picked the unconscious Ai up, and both him, and Hina is taking him to the Sendou household.*

Hina: Bro is Ai going to be ok?

Yamato: I actually hope he does Hinata. (He's the hope to end Ryan's madness.)

*opening plays Go Forward by KIMERU*

*Both Yamato, and Hina arrived at the Sendou household.*

Aichi: Yamato, and Hinata? What brings-

Hina: Sir please help Ai!

Aichi: What happened to him?

Kourin: Who's here Aichi? Is that Yamato, and Hinata? Is that Ai?!

Yamato: I'll explain but now we need to get Ai help!

Aichi; Lay him on the couch for now.

*Yamato proceeds to lay Ai down on the couch, and explains everything to Aichi, and Kourin.*

Aichi: So Ai has PSYqualia?

Kourin: He's your son Aichi so that was to expect.

Aichi: But I didn't want him to have it until I was ready to tell him. Yamato how's Ai?

Yamato: Hinata is taking care of him as we speak. And Ryan was to strong with his PSYqualia for Ai. I wish I could've stopped him.

Aichi: It's ok. It's not your fault.

Yamato: I failed saving someone from PSYqualia once! I can't fail again!

Aichi: (Just like Kai when Ren was obsessed with PSYqualia.) Yamato your father knows that feeling.

Yamato: That family abandon good for nothing? That's a joke.

Aichi: Once when Kai knew I had PSYqualia, he told me to throw out my cards, and stop fighting because he didn't want me to be like Ren.

Yamato: I doubt he's good for abandoning our family.

Aichi: Yamato your father loves you, and is proud of you. He'd be proud you want to help Ai more.

Kourin: My sister Suiko married Kouji Ibuki. He was one of Kai's friends since they were little kids. He can say Kai is a good person so maybe you can see it yourself.

Yamato: But Mother raised me, and Hinata alone.

Aichi: I know Misaki well enough that she'd be happy to do that, and she'll be happy that Kai is working as much as he can at Europe.

*meanwhile at AI's room*

Hina: Ai I hope you feel better. I've only known you for a few months and I know how great you are, and how strong you are. Plz fight for me.


Hina: Ai! You're ok!

*Hina hugs Ai crying of happiness*

Ai: It's ok Hina I'm ok.

*a month later and the VG team tournament begins*

Koy: Oh boy I'm nervous.

Alex: I feel out of place.

Ai: We can do this guys. Just believe in yourselves.

Alex: He's right. We can beat them all!

Koy: Yeah!

Neo Q4: We are Team Neo Q4!

*Round 1 begins between Team Neo Q4 vs Team Darkness*

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