Chapter 5: FINAL RUSH! Alex Shindou

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???: Cmon, is that all you can do? You got to push yourself further man!

Make Cardfighter: I will, thank you.

Alex: No problem my dude. Help from Alex Shindou well help you mentally, and cardfighting. (Though, I want a great challenge. Like Yamato Kai from Fukuhara High.)

*opening plays Go Forward by KIMERU*

Alex: So Fukuhara is this way? *looks at a map*

*while walking Alex bumped into Ai*

Alex: Woah! Are you ok little man?

Ai: Thank you, but I'm ok. How about you?

Alex: That was nothing, so don't sweat it. I tend to do that at times. Hey are you in Fukuhara High?

Ai: Yeah I am.

Alex: Nice! Can you take me there, to fight Yamato Kai.

Ai: Do you mean cardfight?

Alex: Yeah, you play it too?!

Ai: I'm new, my name is Ai Sendou.

Alex: I heard that last name before, but I don't know where. I'm Alex Shindou, nice to meet you.

Ai: Yamato isn't there, or anywhere since our fight.

Alex: You fought him!? How did it go!?

Ai: W-well, I won.

Alex: Are you serious!? Can we fight then!?

Ai: Sure.

Alex: Sweet! Follow me, I know a place.

*Ai and Alex goes to Card Capital*

Ai: I've been here before.

Alex: Yeah, cool place right?

Hina: Ai!

Ai: Hina, you're here too?

Hina: Yeah, we don't have club activities today, so I figured to help my mom out. Alex Shindou?

Alex: Yo Hinata.

Ai: You two met?

Hina: He's strong, but never could beat my brother.

Ai: Oh yeah, how's Yamato?

Hina: Locked in his room since your fight.

Alex: I'm ready when you are Ai. Let's do this!

Ai: Oh right.


Alex: Matt.

Ai: Base. (Dark States?)

Alex: I'll go first, draw, discard, to ride Steve. Skill of Steve, call Matt, and soul charge.

Ai: I remember soul charge, Koy taught me that.

Alex: Then you know what my deck is based on. I end my turn.

Ai: I draw, I discard, to ride Fort. Skill of Base, I draw. Fort attack!

Alex: Guard. *critical 15k+8k=23k*

Ai: Already! Drive check. *checks a draw* Draw trigger. I end my turn.

*Ai: damage 0 hand 8 Alex: damage 0 hand 4*

Alex: I draw, now I ride Richard. Skill, I put Matt to the soul, and I draw. Attack!

Ai: No guard.

Alex: *checks a critical* Nice!

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