Chapter 4: The beautiful Soreceress: Hinata Kai

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Ai:(I can't believe I was able to beat Yamato. Now everyone is going to expect a lot from me. Well I got in, so I can't complain. Tomorrow is going to start me being in the Fukuhara Cardfight Club.)

*opening plays Go Forward by KIMERU*

*After school was done, Ai went to the Cardfight Club, and while he was going he saw Hinata, and they walked together.*

Ai: Hi Hina.

Hina: Hi Ai, yesterday was amazing, I thought no one could beat Yamato, but you did. You should be proud.

Ai: Well I guess I should. Hina, Yamato said your dad, and my dad were rivals?

Hina: Oh yeah, our dad was Toshiki Kai, your dad, Aichi Sendou's main rival.

Ai: I heard about dad having a rival when he was my age.

Hina: Yep that's him, and he is the reason your dad played Vanguard.

Ai: Now I remember, because he gave him Blaster Blade.

Hina: Exactly. But Yamato doesn't like him, and gets angry when he's mentioned, because of how little he was in his life, and mine because he's busy.

Ai: Why would he hate that?

Hina: Because he felt that he was abandoning us, and our mom, Misaki Kai.

Ai: Misaki Tokura? My dad said her, and he were on the same team before.

Hina: Yeah the Miyaji Cardfight Club, well the old one.

Ai: She owns Card Capital now from what I heard.

Hina: That's true, and our great uncle Shin, and Kamui helps out.

Ai: I never met them, when I was there.

Hina: Really! We should go when we can Ai.

Ai: W-Well I guess b-but don't we have to do club activities right now?

Hina: Yeah I remember.

*Ai, and Hinata went inside the club room, and Hina approached Ai*

Hina: Hey Ai, Yamato isn't here right now, probably processing your victory. Do you want to cardfight?

Ai: U-Uh sure.

Hina: Great!

*they got ready for the fight*

Hina: I won't go easy on you.

Ai: I wouldn't like it if you did.


Ai: Base.

Hina: Tri Connect.

Ai: You're playing Keter Sanctuary too Hina?

Hina: Yeah I am, but mine is different from your Bastion. Mind if I go first?

Ai: Sure.

Hina: I draw, I discard a card, to ride Tier Square. I end my turn.

Ai: I draw, I discard a card, to ride Fort. Skill of Base, I draw, Fort attacks.

Hina: No guard.

Ai: Drive check. *checks a Fosado*

Hina: Damage. *damage was a Hexaorb*

Ai: (That must be Hina's main card.) I end my turn.

*Ai: damage 0 hand 7 Hina: damage 1 hand 5*

Hina: I draw, I discard a card, to ride Pentagleam. Skill of Tier Square, CB1, and I draw. Pentagleam attacks.

Ai: No guard.

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