Chapter 1: A New Vanguard

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Ai: (It's been 27 years since the Vanguard Koshien took place. One where Miyaji Cardfight Club won.  The leader was Aichi Sendou. An Asia Champion, and my father. 20 years ago he married Kourin Tatsunagi an idol, and my mother. Yeah I'm a son of a Vanguard champion, and a former idol, so you would expect publicity on me though I didn't like it. But this isn't their story. It's my story. I'm Ai Sendou and this is my story of Vanguard.)

*opening plays Go Forward by KIMERU*

Ai: (I'm Ai Sendou. I'm 16 years old and I'm going to my new High School Fukuhara High. My parents went to Miyaji but they figured Fukuhara could give me more potential on my dream career. Though I'm thinking it's because they have a famous Cardfight Club led by Ren Suzugamori. Well this is how I started playing Cardfight!!! Vanguard. It's quite famous recently, especially since they got a new format they called The OverDress. This is how I started playing Vanguard.)


Ai: Yeah dad I'll be there. (Alright today is the day.)

*Ai goes down stairs, and eats breakfast with Aichi, and Kourin.*

Aichi: Are you nervous Ai? I've been nervous when I went to Miyaji when I was your age.

Ai: Dad I'll be ok.

Kourin: See Aichi? Ai your dad is just worried about you since we know you don't like the pubic from us.

Ai: Thanks mom, but I'll be fine.

Kourin: Good Luck Ai.

Ai: Bye mom, and dad.

Kourin: Aichi is the other reason is so that Ai can play Vanguard?

Aichi: It's Ai's choice in the end Kourin. (Ai I hope you do play Vanguard some day.)

*Ai's first day of school went better than what he expected, but he went to a card shop when he saw a Vanguard Start Deck named Apex Ruler.*

Ai: Vanguard? (I shouldn't be caring about it but yet I do.)

*Ai hears Apex Ruler Bastion's voice.*


Ai: What was that? Did you? So you want me to? Well ok I guess?

*Ai bought the deck but doesn't know what to do.*

Ai: I don't know how to play. So what should I do?

*someone approaches Ai that has that scary feeling*

???: Hey do you play Vanguard?

Ai: AH! Oh sorry you scared me.

???: Sorry I tend to do that sometimes.

Ai: And to answer your question. I have a deck but I don't know how to play.

???: I can help you if you want.

Ai: Thank you. What's your name?

Koy: Oh right sorry I almost forgot, I'm Koy Ishida. What's yours man?

Ai: I'm Ai Sendou.

Koy: SENDOU! My dad knows someone named Sendou.

Ai: My dad knows someone named Ishida. Is your dad Naoki Ishida?

Koy: Yeah man our dads were on the same team. So follow me and I'll teach you how to play Vanguard.

Ai: Ok Ishida thank you.

Koy: Just call me Koy.

Ai: You can call me Ai.

*Ai follows Koy to Card Capital*

Ai: I heard of this place before.

Koy: Yeah your dad was a regular here. Pretty awesome right?

Ai: Yeah.

*Ai and Koy goes to a Cardfight table.*

Koy: Ok here's how we start, We pick one of each grade that you can see at the top left of the card, and you pick by 0, 1, 2, and 3 one of each for your ride deck.

*Koy and Ai picked their ride decks.*

Koy: Ok we draw 5 cards, any cards you don't want you can put to the bottom of the deck, and draw the same amount you put back, and you suffle. Is there any cards you don't like?

Ai: No.

Koy: Nice dude. Now our grade 0 from our ride deck goes to the middle blue circle known as the Vanguard circle. You know Vanguard is the one who leads the way.

Ai: One that leads the way.

*Koy and Ai put their Grade 0 on the VG circle.*

Koy: Are you ready? We now put them face up and say Stand Up Vanguard.

Ai: Yeah I am.


*Ending plays (I'll find one I promise.)*

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