★彡[ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 13]彡★

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Abby turned to Paul, an eyebrow raised.

How did Mollie know the name of her friend?

Paul met her gaze and sighed. "I probably should have said something before. Sorry. I just liked that you didn't know who I was."

"What are you talking about, Paul?" Abby asked, her voice trembling.

What was Paul - who had seemed so nice all this time - hiding from her? And how would it affect her and Mollie?

"I'm in The Beatles." Paul sounded almost ashamed.

Abby was in a state of disbelief.

For the entirety of the last week, Mollie had hardly stopped talking about that band. She knew everything, seemingly; when their LPs had been released, what the members' names were and where they had been born (Liverpool)... and that they should have been millionaires according to the number of records that they had already sold.

They were sitting in the car of a millionaire.

Paul, sensing that Abby was about to bolt, started the car and began to drive. He didn't know where he was going, but he doubted that she would jump out of a moving car and leave Mollie behind, and he was absolutely certain that Abby would not make her little sister jump out of a moving car too.

He drove around until Abby had come to terms with what Paul had just admitted.

They sat in silence until she had reached that point.

And then Paul asked for their address, and before Abby had a chance to give him the wrong one, Mollie had recited the address of their flat.

Abby remained silent until Paul parked outside. He turned to her once he had killed the engine.

"Are you angry that I didn't tell you?" He asked, this being the last thing in the world that he wanted.

In truth, Abby wasn't angry with him. She was angry with herself.

How could she have been so stupid as to think that Paul might have been interested in her? He had probably been looking for a charity case - and he had found it, hadn't he?

She shook her head, turning to him. Abby was about to speak, but Mollie got there first.

"Paul!" She shrieked, causing the two adults to turn and look at her. "Paul, you're my favourite! All of my friends are going to be so jealous -"

"You can't tell your friends, sweetheart." He said softly, but somewhat urgently.

Mollie's face fell.


Paul replied, "because then it'll get out that I live 'round here and I won't be able to stay, or see you and your sister anymore. It'll have to be our secret between the three of us. Think you can handle that for me?"

Mollie beamed, and felt like she was a part of a very exclusive club. She nodded. "Promise."

"Good girl." Paul smiled at her. He liked the little girl - and he liked her sister, too. He liked her sister a lot.

"Can I meet the others?"

Paul replied, "maybe one day, yeah... if your sister says it's okay."

Abby was still in a state of shock.

The car should have been a giveaway that he was way out of my league, Abby thought.

Wait. Out of her league?

Abby made to get out of the car, but Paul caught her hand. Mollie watched the whole display. "When can I see you again, luv?" He asked.

"I don't -"

"Tomorrow! Pick me up from school, Paul! Bring John and George and Ringo!"

Paul chuckled, "they're busy tomorrow, pet, but I could definitely get you from school... if it's okay with Abby?" He looked at the older sister again. "She could just call me to let me know later."

"We don't have a phone."

"Mollie!" Abby scolded.

How embarrassing! Abby felt her cheeks flush.

Abby looked at Paul, "s-she's joking."

But the Beatle wasn't stupid. He said, "s'alright, Abby luv."

Despite her embarrassment and annoyance at herself, she liked that name. She tried not to let it show. "None of my mates back home had phones growing up either. My family did because my mum was the midwife, but I honestly wished that we never had. That blasted thing had the worst habit of ringing in the dead of night." He paused, smiling at the memory. "I'll pop by the cafe tomorrow to get you to pick up Mollie, eh?"

Abby tried to object, but Mollie nodded excitedly. "Yes! God, I'm so excited!"

"And remember, sweetheart," Paul said to the little sister, "don't tell anybody, okay?"

He felt bad for blackmailing a child; because then it'll get out that I live 'round here and I won't be able to stay, or see you and your sister anymore... but he wanted to stay around for Abby, and to do that properly he had to be as conspicuous as possible.

Mollie and Abby got out of the car and Paul said goodbye one last time before driving away.

When his car was out of sight, Abby turned to her sister.

"Why did you do that?"

"Do what?" Mollie asked innocently.

"Ask him to pick you up from school! Scream when you saw him!? Basically everything that you just did in that car! I've never been so embarrassed in my entire life, Mol!" Abby felt like sobbing. "He's just a normal person!"

"He's Paul McCartney." Mollie answered in a tone that implied her answer should have been obvious. "A Beatle. We just got a ride with a Beatle - and you've been talking to him for ages -"

Abby huffed and walked off towards their building, not bothering to wait for her sister.

Mollie was right behind her, though.

Frustrated, Abby snapped, "just leave me alone tonight, Mollie. Make a sandwich or something for dinner. I can't do this today."

It had certainly been one of the weirdest days of her life.

★彡ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟᴇᴛ ᴍᴇ ᴅᴏᴡɴ | ᴘᴀᴜʟ ᴍᴄᴄᴀʀᴛɴᴇʏ彡★  ✅Where stories live. Discover now