★彡[ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 31]彡★

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They managed to keep a low profile in America, but as soon as they returned to London, the press somehow caught wind that Paul McCartney had a girlfriend.

They didn't know that it was Abby, yet, but they all knew that it was only a matter of time before they did.

At first, the press had been convinced that Paul's girlfriend was the actress Jane Asher, with whom he had been seen out with a few times before he had met Abby, but as the weeks passed - and Jane Asher herself denied it - they began to think of new suspects who could be the elusive lady.

Paul threw himself down on the settee beside Abby, who had been writing out a reply to a fan who had sent in an autograph request. "What're you doing tonight?" He asked her.

She shrugged, not looking away from her perfect penmanship.


"Well I think Mollie's got a project to do for school. I was probably going to help her with it." Since they had got back from America, Mollie had been re-enrolled at her old primary school: Heathmount.

She was still being asked to keep the enormous secret of who she was spending a lot of her time around, though.

It was a lot of responsibility for such a little girl.

"Is it due tomorrow?"

"Well no, but -"

"Good." Paul smirked. Abby looked up at him and her heart melted. She loved it when he smirked at her like that because it usually meant that he was up for a little bit of 'alone time'. "Would you and Mollie like to join me for dinner?"

"Where are we going?"

"Yes or no?"

"Well I don't know." She definitely did want to join him for dinner, but she had other responsibilities. Since she had been dating Paul, she had been completely wrapped up in him, and as a result the flat had not been cleaned properly, the clothes ironed nor the other little chores that mattered. "I've got a lot to do - and Mol is getting quite worried about this project. She needs pipe cleaners for it - or something."

"Cyn and John went to art college." Paul paused, "and Cyn was going to be a children's art teacher before she had Julian. She could help?"

"Are they coming to dinner too?"

"That wasn't the plan, but they could join us if you'd like. And if Mollie's worried then it might be best."

Abby smiled and leaned over, kissing Paul on the cheek. "That'd be nice. Ta, Paul."

"Already picking up the Scouse-isms?" He teased. "That can't be a good thing to be teaching your sister." He wagged a finger at her and Abby leaned forward, trying to catch it between her teeth so she could (suggestively) bite it.

"Enough, you two!" John called from the mixing desk, where he had been conversing rather loudly with George Martin - something about slathering his vocals in ketchup.

Abby blushed but Paul only drew closer to her ear. "Or," he whispered, "Cyn and John can take Mollie home for the night so she can finish her project, and I can show you just how much I love to make you... scream."

Abby gasped. "Paul!" She exclaimed, slapping his arm teasingly.

He just smirked.

He loved the idea of the second option.

"Getting you starkers in my bed tonight is my sole aim." Paul told his girlfriend honestly. "I want to watch as you -"

"Wha'd you think, Paul?" George Harrison asked.

Both Abby and Paul looked up from their conversation. They hadn't even noticed that the little George had joined Big George at the mixing desk.

"About what?"

"Gonna sack Abby, you daft twat, that's what."

Paul looked quite alarmed, but Abby only scoffed. "Come off it, John. They'd get rid of you before me."

She had spent enough time with the boys now to know when they were having a joke.

She was surprised that Paul hadn't caught on, actually.

John snorted. "Not likely, Valentine."

"Not likely, Valentine." Abby mocked in a terrible Scouse accent.

Ringo leaned over and whispered into George's ear, "y'know you've won when the other person starts copying your voice."

George chuckled.

George Martin, on the other hand, looked unamused.

"Come on, we need to get this done today, boys." George Martin frowned. "Please." When no one made a movement towards their instruments, the recording room or even the mixing desk, he sighed. "Or I'll have to have Abby sit in with Brian from now on. This is important."

"But -"

"Paul," Mr Martin said, "come on. You believe in this album, don't you?"

The album, to be called A Hard Day's Night, was indeed Paul's brainchild. He thought about it almost as much as he thought about Abby.

"Yes -"

"Then can we get this done?" George Martin paused, "we haven't got a lot of time before you go off on tour. Before then, it needs to be done so it can be mastered and pressed into discs." All of the boys loved George Martin, but he did have a tendency to panic if something wasn't on schedule.

The boys, on the other hand, took it in their stride.

"Yeah, yeah sure." Paul kissed Abby softly and then got up, going over to the mixing desk. "But I am out of here at -"

"Three." Beatle George interrupted. "We know, Paul. For Mollie. Same as everyday."

Abby smiled a little before she went back to replying to fan mail.

★彡ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟᴇᴛ ᴍᴇ ᴅᴏᴡɴ | ᴘᴀᴜʟ ᴍᴄᴄᴀʀᴛɴᴇʏ彡★  ✅Where stories live. Discover now