★彡[ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 41]彡★

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Jim McCartney, excited to have his oldest son back in the house - and with such a lovely girlfriend and little girl - offered to take them all out for dinner to the big posh restaurant in Liverpool City Centre. It was the only posh place to eat in the city, and he wanted to celebrate his family together again, and with two new additions.

But Paul turned him down.

Mollie had sighed. She had wanted to go out to eat - she liked Angie and Jim, and had been pleasantly surprised and very happy when Jim had told her that she could call them nan and grandad, respectively.

"What's up, Mol?" Abby asked as she took out her earrings in front of the tiny mirror which was hanging in Mike's old room. They had all gone upstairs to get changed into more comfortable clothes, eager to relax whilst Angie, Jim, Mike and Ruth were out for dinner.

"I wanted to go out for dinner." She pouted.

"If the wind changes your face will stay that way." Paul teased from the bed, where he was lying with his eyes closed. He didn't even need to look to know that she was pulling a face. He could hear it in her voice he knew her so well.

Mollie replied in a matter-of-fact tone, "there's no wind inside, Paul."

He chuckled and Abby smiled to herself in the mirror.

"Why don't you ask Jim and Angie if you can go with them then, Mol? I'm sure they won't mind. Ruth seems to like you a lot."

Little Ruth, barely out of nappies, had followed Mollie around the house since she had first seen her.

"Dad won't mind." Paul agreed. "I'll ask him for you, if you want. I know you don't like to do things like that."

Mollie thanked him and Paul left the room to go and speak to his dad. Mollie and Abby sat in a comfortable silence until he returned, giving Mollie a nod to signify that Jim's answer had been the affirmative.

Mollie grinned and asked Abby to help her pick out something nice to wear.

When Mollie wasn't listening, Paul whispered into his girlfriend's ear, "we'll have our own fun while they're out."

Abby, pregnant and horny, felt a chill run down her spine. She couldn't wait.

* * * * *

Paul loved Abby.

Abby loved Paul.

Abby was lying in Paul's arms, the two of them naked beneath the blanket of the double bed which was in the corner of the ex-darkroom.

Paul wanted nothing more than for her to be his wife, for them to be joined together forever.

And so he made the decision that he would propose.

Paul got out of bed and crossed the room, naked. Abby watched the shape of his cute little bum, giggling as his dimples wobbled with each step.

"Stop giggling, you." Paul teased her, turning around and grinning as he clutched the ring in his fist. She had no idea what he was about to do.

Abby didn't stop.

He looked unamused, but deep down he was laughing with her.

"Sorry, Paul!" Abby giggled, clutching her belly. She could feel an ache within it because she was laughing so hard! It wasn't that funny, really. "I just -"

Paul got back into bed and stopped her talking, pushing his mouth to hers.

Of course Abby reciprocated the kiss, climbing on top of Paul under the covers and spreading her legs across his waist. She positioned herself and let his semi-erect member slide inside of her.

Paul moaned against her mouth, his eyes rolling back into his head as he felt Heaven around him. Surely life could be no better.

Abby rode him as they kissed, but Paul still had his question on his mind.

"Abby, luv?" He said against her skin, his lips having moved to her neck. "Abby?"

She hummed in reply, but was in truth too concerned with bringing them both to their next climax to be properly listening to a word he was saying.

Paul was still clutching the ring in his fist, in which he was now also clutching the bedsheets.

Abby rode him harder and Paul felt her walls flutter around him.

She was close.

He was, too.

As they exploded; Abby around Paul and Paul within her, he cried out two words.


Abby collapsed on his chest, the two of them still in that wonderful post-orgasm stage where the world seems shiny and majestic.

But Paul was awaiting her answer.

He wondered if she had even heard him.

Would Abby bring it up, if she had? Or would she think it was just something he had cried out in the moment?

"Abs?" Paul asked in a voice barely more audible than a whisper.

Abby, say something, he silently willed her to answer his question.

Abby was silent.

Paul stroked her hair using the hand that wasn't holding the ring.


Abby opened her eyes - when had she closed them? - and looked into his brown ones. "Hm?" She hummed, waiting for him to say something.

All that was on her mind was what he had cried out as he had cum.

Marry me.

Had he meant it, she wondered?

"You didn't give me an answer." Abby opened her mouth, ready to reply, but no sound came out. "Don't pretend you didn't hear me." Paul said when she was silent. He could see that she was trying to formulate her words, but she was failing miserably. "Say yes, please, Abby. I don't think I could take it if you said anything else."

"Yes, Paul." Abby said in a small voice.

Of course her answer was yes.

Did anybody ever think it would be anything else?

But she wasn't a fool. "You know, don't you?" Abby rolled off of him and settled instead back at his side.

Paul nodded, knowing exactly what she was referring to. "Yeah."

"Are you asking me because of that?"

"No." Paul turned to look at her. Before they had both been staring up at the ceiling. "I'm asking because I love you and I love Mollie, and I love the baby and I will forever."

He fiddled with the ring, twisting it between the fingers on one of his hands.

Say yes, Abby, he silently prompted her.

How could she say anything else?

They were in love, and it was clear to the world.

And so Abby nodded. "Yes, Paul."

He took her left hand and put the ring on her fourth finger.

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