★彡[ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 28]彡★

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Paul's surprise for Mollie, it turned out, had been a designer dress. It had definitely cost him too much money, but he wouldn't tell Abby just how much, no matter how much she begged.

Mollie adored the dress - as Paul had predicted she would - and Abby loved that Mollie was happy.

Paul knew the right way to win points with the elder Valentine sister - and the younger one, too. One was considerably easier to do so with than the other, though.

"And now," the announcer cried over the intercom, "here they are... The Beatles!"

The audience roared. Mollie flinched, covering her ears, and Abby wanted to do the same - but she was mesmerised.

How could people make so much noise?

Ringo ran past the two of them, stopping to give Mollie a quick pat on the head. He sat behind his drums, picking up his sticks and giving the snare an experimental tap.

George was next. He just gave the two girls a quick grin as he jogged past. He had been carrying his guitar from a strap which hung about his shoulders, so when he reached the stage all he had to do was plug the instrument in.

And then John sauntered past. He didn't look bothered that he was running a little bit later than the other two. He looked like he wanted to stop and chat, but Paul was right behind him and pushing him forward.

They were all in a rush - and Abby knew full well that Paul hated to be late - but he stopped.

"Hi, girls," he said with a smile, "you waiting for anyone in particular?"

"The bass player." Abby replied. "You seen him?"

Paul grinned, checking over his shoulder to see the three other Beatles looking into the wings for him.

"No," he replied. "Can't say I have, luv."

The screams from the audience seemed to be getting louder, and it was impossible for Paul to ignore them.

He was an attention-junkie.

He dipped his head and gave Abby a quick kiss on the cheek. She beamed. Paul ruffled Mollie's hair and then ran onto the stage, his Hofner violin bass bumping familiarly against his side.

The theatre shook with the excitement and noise of the audience.

And then the boys began to play.

Mollie and Abby were disappointed, however.

They couldn't hear a thing.

Cynthia appeared beside them. They both looked at her and saw her mouth moving, but they couldn't make out what she was saying.

Abby leaned closer and Cynthia repeated her words, "it's a shame isn't it?" She yelled. "It's like this every time!"

Abby answered, "why don't they listen? They've paid for their ticket!"

"I think they just want to see the lads!"

Mollie was dancing to the screams of the audience, and occasionally she imitated the way John bopped to the beat.

Abby watched her, her heart swelling. Her little sister was so cute, and she was beyond lucky to be able to have the space in her life which their mother would otherwise have occupied.

Abby tore her eyes away from Mollie and looked past her at Paul.

Paul was in 'the zone' in terms of his performance, but every few minutes he would look into the wings at his two girls.

He loved them both so much.

And they loved him back.

After the show, the band bowed and waved to their audience as they ran off stage, Paul leading the way.

He went straight to Abby and kissed her, his arms going around her waist as he pulled her to his body. She was alarmed, but let him do it.

She thought that they had agreed to not draw too much attention to themselves or their relationship, but there they were in front of everyone kissing.

Mollie buried her head in Cynthia's side, pretending to be disgusted by the display that the two adults were putting on... but she was just happy that Abby was happy. And she liked Paul a lot, too. He made her laugh and he was kind to her. He was like a big brother in the way that he cared for her.

Paul and Abby whispered quietly to each other for several minutes, during which time John and Cynthia talked to Mollie. She was a sweet little girl and they liked her a lot. And she was no trouble to care for.

They had agreed to have her that night, in fact.

Paul and Abby wanted some alone time (John had taken great pleasure in teasing Paul and Abby about that).

"Shall we go?" Paul asked, desperate to get his evening with the most beautiful girl in the world started.

Abby smiled shyly and nodded. Paul let her go and she turned to Mollie. "You be good for John and Cyn, okay?"

Mollie nodded. "I will, Abs."

"And make sure you get to bed at a decent time, okay? Your tutor is starting tomorrow -"

"I will, Abs." Mollie repeated.

Abby sighed and turned to Cynthia, who was smiling at the maternal display. "Make sure she brushes her teeth before bed, and -"

"We'll be fine, Abby." Cynthia reassured her. "If I can cope with John then I can definitely cope with a nine-year-old."

"Can I have ice-cream for dinner, Cyn?" John asked, looking at Mollie. She was looking at him, and at his words the two of them exploded into a fit of giggles.

Cynthia sighed playfully. "What have I signed up for?" She asked.

Paul and Abby chuckled before bidding goodbye to Mollie, John and Cynthia one last time.

And then their evening started.

★彡ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟᴇᴛ ᴍᴇ ᴅᴏᴡɴ | ᴘᴀᴜʟ ᴍᴄᴄᴀʀᴛɴᴇʏ彡★  ✅Where stories live. Discover now