★彡[ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 38]彡★

314 10 4

Paul cleaned up the mashed potatoes before he went upstairs.

He made his way up the stairs, the shag soft under his feet and between his toes. He clutched onto the bannister as if he was afraid the stairs would flatten and turn into a slide and he would go down it.

But Paul kept going. He made his way to the top, and then stopped.

He could hear Abby in their room, and she was muttering to herself... Paul couldn't make out what she was saying, but he could definitely make out her voice.

He walked along the hallway until he reached their bedroom. The door was ajar; of course, how else would he have heard her?

Paul looked through the gap in the doorway.

Abby was standing in front of the mirror, totally naked other than a pair of knickers... and she had her hands pressed against her belly. One was on the top, and the other was resting in the middle.

Paul, at first, didn't put two-and-two together.

He simply thought about how beautiful she looked - and how badly he wanted to have her beneath him at that moment...

But then he heard Abby speaking to herself... to the mirror?

"Hi, baby," she whispered. "I don't know if you can hear me yet but mummy loves you, okay? Mummy loves you lots and lots... and daddy will, too."

Paul held his breath, his heart thumping three times as fast as it ever had before.

Abby was... Abby was pregnant?

Paul was going to be a daddy?

"ABBY!" Mollie called from downstairs.

Abby jumped, her hands falling from her swollen belly. She turned and shouted back, "coming, Mol!"

Paul, sensing that he had very little time left before he came face-to-face with Abby and would have to answer what he had been doing in the hallway.

So he took a deep breath and he opened the door, walking into the room.

Abby gasped and covered her breasts - and then she looked briefly down at her belly. Paul, tactfully, chose not to mention this or follow her line of gaze. He smiled instead, going over to Abby and taking her into his arms. His heart was still beating fast, but the two of them ignored it... or maybe Abby didn't notice - she did have a lot on her mind, didn't she?

It suddenly all made sense to Paul.

His mother had been a midwife and a local health visitor for their estates in Liverpool. He knew things about women with child and about newborns - as much as, as a boy, he had hated it - he was then grateful for it.

And Paul knew that pregnant women were hormonal and had mood swings, and they sometimes cried for none or very little reason. He knew that pregnant women could sometimes be secretive (when trying to hide their pregnancies), and he knew that pregnant women needed to know that they were beautiful and loved as much (if not more) than they were before they had been pregnant.

Abby pulled away from him after a few seconds, and they looked at each other. She was still covering her breasts.

He thought she was beautiful.

"I'm sorry about downstairs." Paul bit one plump lip and sighed, "I shouldn't have snuck up on you like that, I won't do it again. I cleaned up the mash, and if Mollie feels up to it then we can go out for tea instead tonight?"

Paul leaned down and kissed Abby's lips, his hands sliding on top of hers. Slowly, her hands slipped away and his were left in place.

He squeezed her mounds softly.

She moaned.

Her head fell back against her shoulders.

He squeezed her mounds again. This time a little more roughly.

Abby tensed her thighs together.

"Oh, God, Paul! Do that again!" Abby cried out.

Paul smirked and did as he had been asked.

After, Paul dipped his head down to breast-height. He took one hand away and slipped it between his lover's legs. He rubbed her through the fabric of her underwear and her legs quivered.

Paul moved his lips from her nipples to her neck, suckling harshly on the skin.

Abby was his for the taking, the presence of Mollie in the house be damned.

Or she would have been, had Mollie not cried out for her again.


Paul, knowing that Abby would be annoyed if he continued with his loving, removed himself... with difficulty.

He wanted her so badly...

And she wanted him, too.

They exchanged wanton, hungry gazes full of love and need for each other.

Paul kissed her lips once more. "I love you," he said, "and you look beautiful."

Abby beamed. "Love you too, Paulie."

His heart soared.

She loved him.

He was going to be a dad.

Paul had, in his opinion, the perfect life.

"To be continued." He whispered into Abby's ear.

She nodded, kissing his cheek. "To be continued." She agreed.

★彡ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟᴇᴛ ᴍᴇ ᴅᴏᴡɴ | ᴘᴀᴜʟ ᴍᴄᴄᴀʀᴛɴᴇʏ彡★  ✅Where stories live. Discover now