★彡[ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 26]彡★

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As the plane touched the tarmac, the Beatles and their entourage became aware of a loud roaring. They looked at each other, all as equally confused.

"Is that the plane?" Cynthia Lennon asked. She had not yet had a chance to introduce herself properly to Abby because she had sat with John for the entire flight, but they had exchanged smiles and a brief 'hello' before boarding.

"Is there something wrong with it, Paul?" Abby asked anxiously, looking at him.

"No, luv, it's not." He was unsure himself, but he didn't want to worry Abby. He laced their hands together again and gave hers a reassuring squeeze. "Probably the brakes, and nothing more."

"Never heard brakes like that before." Ringo observed. He had switched seats with Eppy during the flight so he could talk to Paul from across the aisle.

Mollie was still at the back of the plane with George, but they all heard her cry, "look! Look! Look outside!"

Everybody did - even the journalists - and they were all astounded. Thousands upon thousands of fans were waiting for them, all of them screaming and calling out to their four heroes. Some were holding up banners or jumping around trying to attract the attention of the four boys.

"Are they making all that noise?" Cynthia asked in disbelief.

"Well boys," Brian Epstein said as he walked down the aisle of the plane. The four Beatles, Abby and Cynthia watched him, as well as some of the journalists. "You've made it to America... and look how hungry they are for you." He gestured to the windows and everybody looked out again.

The plane was just coming to a stop, and the roars were getting louder.

How could people make so much noise?

"Now," Eppy continued, "I need everybody to stay on the plane other than the boys. Lads," he addressed The Beatles directly now, "you'll be first out. Pause on the steps for photographs, make sure you smile - and for Heaven's sake, John, don't be yourself."

"But -"

Eppy interrupted Paul, "Cynthia, Abby and Mollie, there's a car waiting for you to take you to the hotel. You'll be allowed off the plane once the boys have left. It'll be safer that way."

Abby bit her lip. She didn't want to be apart from Paul in such a foreign land, but she knew that she had no choice. Brian Epstein called the shots, and everybody obeyed him.

They all nodded and told Brian that they would follow his orders. The air hostesses then prepared the door of the plane to be opened.

It was show time.

* * * * *

It took almost an hour for the boys to get through the crowd of journalists, fans and whoever else was there. By the time that Abby - who was holding tightly to Mollie's hand lest she should be separated and the little girl lost amongst the throng of people - Mollie and Cynthia got into the second car, a light rain had begun to fall.

Looking up at the sky through the closed window, Abby wished that she had remembered to pack hers and Mollie's coats in their carry-on luggage.

Paul had advised her to, but she hadn't listened.

The people on the outside of the car were clamouring to get in, not aware that it had been the first car that had left which had contained their precious Beatles, and not the one that they were rampaging. They screamed and kicked and clawed at the car, trying the door handles and even throwing things at the windows in an attempt to break them.

★彡ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟᴇᴛ ᴍᴇ ᴅᴏᴡɴ | ᴘᴀᴜʟ ᴍᴄᴄᴀʀᴛɴᴇʏ彡★  ✅Where stories live. Discover now