★彡[ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 20]彡★

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Paul excused himself from the recording room as soon as he could. He had a very important thing to do.

Again, he knocked on the door of Brian's office, though this time the door was closed. He heard a muffled "come in", and so opened the door.

Brian was sitting at his desk.

"I need a favour." Paul said by way of a greeting.

Without looking up from what he was writing, Brian said, "well ask Abby. She's your secretary, isn't she?" The slightly sly tone in his voice made it very clear to Paul that Brian wasn't best pleased about the arrangement... as if he hadn't known that already!

"It's a favour that she can't help with... or know about."

This caught Brian's attention. He looked up, furrowing his eyebrows at Paul curiously.

"What is it?"

"Well we're going out for dinner tonight -"

"You and Abby?" Paul nodded and Brian scoffed. "I should have known."

"Known what?"

"You and Abby." Brian paused when he saw the unhappy and very annoyed look on his client's face. "Oh come on, Paul, we all know that you don't ever do something for a woman without something else on your mind." It was very clear what Brian was referring too.

This had previously been true, but Abby was different.

Paul just liked being near her... though he did definitely want something more.

"I-it's not like that, Eppy..." Paul sighed, "look, can you help or not? This is important." Brian looked unconvinced. Paul added, "I haven't done anything with her." Brian raised one sceptical eyebrow and Paul nodded, silently insisting the truth of what he had said.

Brian sighed and looked back down at his writing briefly. "Alright, Paul," he said, "what is it?"

"She hasn't got anything to wear to dinner." The Beatle explained, "so I was wondering if you could ring round and have a few dresses delivered -"

"And just who is paying for these dresses, Paul?"

"I am." He reached into his pocket and took his wallet out, thumbing through it for some notes. He didn't have a lot in there, but what he did have he put on Brian's desk. "Take the rest out of whatever you want of mine. Let Abby keep whatever ones she likes and return the rest of them. Maybe she'll need shoes, too? I dunno what girls want, do I?"

Brian looked dejectedly at the few notes on his desk. "Apparently not, Paul." He sighed again, "I'll take care of it."

Paul gave him a smile as a thank you. He knew that Brian had a handle on the whole 'girl' situation - he was very fashionable, and good at accessorising.

Out of the four of them, he was probably Brian's least favourite Beatle, and that was because he had a mind for money and for business. He always wanted to know what was being made and where. Brian liked to be the one with the power and the money, and that usually suited Paul - as long as he knew about it at the same time.

Upon entering the room, Paul was greeted with a smiling Abby. He went over to her, "hey," he said sitting down in the empty seat next to her own, "are you okay? You look like a bloody Cheshire Cat."

"I'm just glad that Mollie is getting along so well with them." With a slight movement of her head, she gestured to the little girl and the three other Beatles. George and Ringo were watching as Mollie strummed (badly) at a guitar that John had put in her lap. John had excused himself for the toilet, but had promised to be back soon to see how well she was getting on with the instrument. "And I'm looking forward to our date tonight." Abby added, which was something that Paul hadn't expected her to say. Not that he didn't want her to be excited, but he hadn't actually expected her to say it out loud. She was a very closed person, and he had expected to have to pry the words from her.

★彡ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟᴇᴛ ᴍᴇ ᴅᴏᴡɴ | ᴘᴀᴜʟ ᴍᴄᴄᴀʀᴛɴᴇʏ彡★  ✅Where stories live. Discover now