★彡[ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 27]彡★

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Mollie looked across the room at Abby's bed and in the darkness, she saw that her sister was still asleep.

Abby was snoring softly, which was a little bit annoying because Mollie liked silence when she slept, but she was used to it. When their mum had first died, they had lived in a one-bedroom flat, and Abby and Mollie had had to share the bedroom.

Sitting up, Mollie's eyes swept across the room. Everything was as they had left it, but the door opposite Mollie's bed - the one which she was sure led into Paul's room - was slightly ajar. It was as if he had come in to check on them and then left once he had seen them sleeping soundly.

Mollie pushed back the covers of her bed and set her feet on the carpet. It was soft, and she rubbed her toes through it for a second or so before getting up and tiptoeing to the bedroom door dividing them.

She pulled it open and looked in.

Sure enough, Paul was in his bed. He was not snoring, but his breathing was loud. She went into his room and pulled the door closed behind her. She didn't want to wake Abby.

She knew that if she did, Abby would be annoyed at her for going in and bothering Paul.

Mollie moved silently across Paul's room and climbed onto his bed. The mattress made an odd sound as it adjusted to her weight, but it wasn't a squeak or a creak.

But Paul, who was a light sleeper anyway, felt it and woke up.

He looked disorientated for a few seconds, but when he saw the little girl beside him, he smiled. "Hi, Mol," he yawned, "you a'right, luv?" His Scouse accent really came out when he was sleepy.

She replied, "I'm bored, Paul."

"Thought you were asleep?" He grinned. "You were when I came in."

"I was, but now I'm awake and I'm bored." She sighed and threw herself back on the bed beside him. Paul chuckled.

"Wanna do something?"

"Like what?"

Paul shrugged.

"Well we can't go too far. I'm exhausted already, y'know. Dunno how I'll make it through this tour... but maybe we could watch some tele?" Paul gestured in the direction of the television - which was huge - and was sitting in the middle of his chest of drawers.

Mollie hadn't really watched a tele before, and definitely not one in a bedroom!

They didn't even have one at their flat.

Paul got out of bed and went to turn on the TV. He put on a channel which was playing a programme that he knew would be suitable for a nine-year-old. He then got back in bed and held up the covers, inviting Mollie to climb in beside him. She did, and she snuggled up to his side.

"Are you going to go back to sleep?" She asked him quietly.

Paul yawned. "Maybe."

They watched television together for about half an hour before either of them spoke again.

"I love tele, Paul." Mollie smiled up at him adoringly.

Paul loved the little girl, and smiled back.

Mollie continued. "I'm going to ask Abby if we can get one for our flat."

Paul replied, "if she says yes then I'll buy it for you."

Mollie squealed in delight and hugged Paul more tightly.

When Abby woke up, she felt well-rested and almost fully returned to her non-agitated state which she had been in prior to boarding the plane in England.

★彡ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟᴇᴛ ᴍᴇ ᴅᴏᴡɴ | ᴘᴀᴜʟ ᴍᴄᴄᴀʀᴛɴᴇʏ彡★  ✅Where stories live. Discover now