★彡[ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 36]彡★

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★彡[ᴛᴡᴏ ᴡᴇᴇᴋ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ]彡★

It was one of those rare days that Abby had off work - and that was because she had to watch Mollie, who was home ill from school.

Paul came down the stairs and Abby put a bowl of cornflakes on the table ready for him. She had poured out a cup of coffee for him, a tea for her and a glass of warm milk for Mollie. At four months pregnant, Abby was now definitely showing. Paul had noticed that she had put on weight, but he chose not to mention it, and Mollie had noticed that Abby - who had always worn such tight fitting skirts and dresses - now wore loose shirts, leggings and overly large jackets.

"Hungry, Mol?" Abby asked as she sat down for breakfast beside Paul, her sister sitting opposite her.

Mollie shook her head. She sipped at the milk but very quickly greyed.

Abby was out of her seat like a shot and across the room, retrieving the bin in the corner of it. She was back at Mollie's side just as the little girl threw up, and caught all of it with the bin.

Abby then felt sick, too. When Mollie had finished, Abby turned the bin towards herself and threw up the little bit of breakfast that she had managed to eat.

Paul sighed and tried not to look at the two of them. He, at least, wanted to get through his breakfast without using the bin.

However, when Abby hadn't stopped throwing up after about five minutes, he put his spoon down on the table and stood up. He went round the side of the table and took the bin from her, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her gently to her feet. She wasn't throwing up anymore - standing up had seemed to have helped her a little bit - but Abby still didn't look great.

"Let's get you back to bed, yeah?" Paul said softly. He kissed the side of her cheek, ignoring how hot she was and the sweat which was sticking stray strands of her hair to her head. Paul still thought she looked beautiful, though.

"I don't - Paul, Mollie -"

Paul gave the bin back to Mollie just as she threw up again.

"I'll stay here today. The pair of you need to -"

"Paul, I'm fine, I just need -" Abby was cut off by Paul.

"You need to go to bed, Abs. You're ill, and so is Mollie. I'll take care of the both of you."

"No, it's just because Mollie was being sick. I just need a glass of water and some fresh air." She stopped in the middle of the room.

Paul sighed, knowing that there was no convincing her.

"Okay, go sit on the back step and I'll bring you some water when I've got Mollie settled on the settee." Abby, happy with his words, nodded. Paul helped her as far as the kitchen and then watched as she crossed that room and opened the back door, settling on the top step which led into the back garden.

* * * * *

Sure enough, Abby was fine after about fifteen minutes. By the time Paul returned from settling Mollie in front of the television, she was up and dancing around the kitchen to the radio - which had not been on when he had left.

"I've called Cyn," Abby said by way of a greeting when she twirled around and saw Paul watching her from the doorway. He had crossed his arms against his chest and was leaning against the doorframe, a sexy smirk on his face. "Asked her to come round - I need to talk to her about something."

"Didn't know you two were so chummy." He came into the room and took Abby into his arms, dancing with her to The Kinks' You Really Got Me, which had been at the top of the charts for the past few days, and had been playing constantly. Abby and Paul loved it.

"She understands."

Paul raised an eyebrow. As if he didn't understand! Well, he didn't. Not the thing that Abby was referring to, anyway.

"You two can go out for lunch, if you'd like?"

"And leave Mollie here by herself?"

"I'll be here."

"I thought you had work?" The song finished and a new one began to play. It was As Tears Go By by Marianne Faithfull. Paul pulled her more closely to his body and they slow danced to the music. This too had been working its way up the charts.

"Called in for the day off when I thought you and Mollie were sick." He paused. "You and Cyn go out, I'll stay here with her."

"I can't leave you here with her - Paul, go to the studio! You've got work to be doing -"

"Nothing is as important as looking after my girls." Paul smiled, loving the feeling of Abby against him. He wished that he could take her up to their bed right now and have his way with her... but he couldn't. Not when Mollie was home.

"But -"

"I'm not taking no for an answer." He leaned forward and kissed the side of her neck. Abby smiled, feeling her legs weaken under his touch. Pregnancy made her want him constantly, but she had to restrain herself. Anything could give her away. And Paul knew her so well that it was becoming hard to hide her pregnancy from him.

She knew that she had to tell him soon.

"Go and get changed. Put something lovely on - not that you don't always look lovely, luv, but I haven't seen you wear a dress in weeks. I want to see your legs! You know how I love your legs." Paul paused. "Actually -" he cut himself off and then began to hum a tune. He smirked again, "hm, I think that's a good one. Can't remember what it is, though..." he drifted off into his own mind.

* * * * *

When Cyn arrived and rang the doorbell, Abby was still getting dressed. Paul answered the door to his best friend's wife and smiled. "Look lovely today, Cyn. Have you dyed your hair again?"

She was always dying it blonde - even after their time together, she was still trying to look like Brigitte Bardot for John.

Cynthia smiled. "Glad you notice Paul, because he doesn't."

The both knew who she was referring to.

Paul sighed. "He will, Cyn. One day." Paul promised, but both of knew that he was just saying that to appease her.

They both knew that John would never change.

Changing the subject, Paul said, "Abs is still upstairs. I sent her to get changed but that was over an hour ago." He leaned closer, whispering into Cyn's ear in case Abby or Mollie were eavesdropping. "I think there's something wrong with her... something female wrong with her, but I don't think she'll talk to me about it." He paused, "maybe you could have a chat with her?"

Cyn knew what was going on, of course. She was only surprised that Abby had not yet told Paul that he was to be a dad.

Cynthia was sure that Paul would be happy to be a father - he was a natural with Julian, and with Mollie too.

If only John was the same, Cynthia thought bitterly.

John was better with audio equipment than he was with any child - his own or otherwise.

Cynthia, however, realising that she needed to reply to Paul, nodded. "Sure." She said with a smile. "I'm sure she's fine, though. Probably just that time of the month or something."

Paul grimaced. He hated thinking about a lady's time of the month. The thought of a woman bleeding down there was disgusting - though he would never say it out loud, and he felt bad for thinking it.

It was natural, so why was it disgusting to him?

"Okay," he said with a forced smile, "thanks." Paul stood aside to let Cynthia into the house.

★彡ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟᴇᴛ ᴍᴇ ᴅᴏᴡɴ | ᴘᴀᴜʟ ᴍᴄᴄᴀʀᴛɴᴇʏ彡★  ✅Where stories live. Discover now