★彡[ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 17]彡★

514 16 4

The next morning, Abby stirred and she felt worlds better than she had done the previous day. She didn't feel nauseous at all, her migraine was gone and she was not tired in the least. She got out of bed, desperate to clean her teeth, but first she checked the time.

She had just over an hour to get Mollie up and ready for school. She hoped that Paul would come to drive them there.

Abby hated to admit it, but she had become quite lazy since being friends with Paul... especially the last few days. He drove her and Mollie anywhere they wanted to go - which, to be fair, only really consisted of to Mollie's school and to the supermarket.

On the two occasions that Paul had taken Abby to the supermarket, he had had to don a disguise to keep himself from being recognised by fans, and they'd both had to be as quick as possible to minimise the risk too.

Abby opened her bedroom door and nearly jumped in fright when she saw a body laying in the hallway between her room and Mollie's.

It was Paul.

She knelt down, "Paul?" She whispered. He stirred, but only shifted onto his other side. "Paul!" Abby gently shook him by the shoulder.

He jumped awake and looked around, his brown doe eyes immediately resting on the most beautiful girl in the world (in his opinion).

"Abs," he smiled, "you're better."

"What are you doing?" She gestured to his body on the floor.

"I was sleeping -"

"Here?" Abby echoed, her eyebrows going up.

He nodded. "I didn't want Mollie to be alone here in case something happened to you. You were really sick yesterday, but you seem so much better now."

Abby nodded, her heart softening as she realised that Paul genuinely cared for her and Mollie. Well, she had hoped for it before that moment, but it was then that she knew.

Paul was special.

And he cared for Mollie, too. Anybody who cared for her sister half as much as Abby did was a winner in her book.

Quietly, she said, "thank you, Paul."

He smiled softly. "It was no trouble. I would have taken her home with me to give you some peace, but I thought you'd want her here."

Abby nodded. "I do."

She wanted to hug him, but resisted. What if she passed on whatever illness she had had to him? The world would surely linch her if she made the Paul McCartney sick!

Abby and Paul were suspended in a world of their own. They were staring into each other's eyes, the two of them wanting nothing more than to connect their lips and sync their heartbeats.

The tension between them was thick.

And it was broken only when Mollie, still in her pyjamas, opened her bedroom door and looked down at the two of them.

"Abby!" She exclaimed happily, throwing herself into her sister's arms.

Paul smiled at the sight as Abby caught the little girl. Again, she wouldn't have chosen to hug Mollie in case she passed on the illness, but she had been given no choice!

Paul spoke, "I'll leave you both alone. Get dressed and I'll make the brekkie."

The two of them ignored him as they began to chat. Mollie wanted to tell Abby about the takeout that Paul had got for the two of them the night before, and Abby wanted to hear all about it!

* * * * *

For days now, Paul had felt useless. He felt that he had been the reason that Abby had been getting told off at her work, and he felt that it was his fault that she had eventually quit. He had wanted to fix her situation, but knew that she was too proud to take money from him - even if it was only a loan...

★彡ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟᴇᴛ ᴍᴇ ᴅᴏᴡɴ | ᴘᴀᴜʟ ᴍᴄᴄᴀʀᴛɴᴇʏ彡★  ✅Where stories live. Discover now