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Catboy,owlette and gekko are in the park fighting romeo who is in his lab that has somekind of ray on it that can turn things to dust.

Romeo:you think you pjs can defeat me while I have my...my...umm robot help me out here.as he couldn't come up with a evil name as robot was on the side of his lab.

Robot:umm...your dust-o-tron.

Romeo:MY DUST-O-TRON..came up with that myself.

Robot:but master I-

Romeo:not now metal head..anyways when I shoot you with it then you guys will feel how vampire feel when they are out in the sun anyways now eat it!as he starts zapping the pj masks as they started dodge.

Gekko:what are we gonna do!?

Owlette:I got it catboy can you use your super speed to bring us to that tree I'll explain the plan.as she pointed at the tree behind alittle bit far away from him.

Catboy:ok...SUPER CAT SPEED!!!as he grabbed owlette and gekko bring them to a the tree owlette said early.

Romeo:come on and I thought you pjs were clever but this is just embarrassing.as he zapped the tree and it turned to dust and seen the pj masks weren't there.

Romeo:I must have turn them into dust.

Catboy:guess again!as romeo seen catboy and owlette right in front of him.

Romeo:how did you even get there!?as he was confused.

Catboy:what you should be asking is how are you gonna dodge this...SUPER FURBALLS!!!as he started shooting his furballs at him.

Owlette:and this...SUPER OWL FEATHERS!!!as she started shooting her feathers at him.

Romeo used his dust-o-tron to turn all of the furballs and feathers to dust really quickly.

Romeo:ha gotta try better than that pj pest!

Catboy:we weren't trying.as romeo was confused.than heard some kind of metal thing rip as he pressed his dust-o-tron button nothing happened.

Romeo:hey what's wrong with my dust-o-tron!?

Gekko:its nothing I just rip it off your lab and I think we're gonna keep this in HQ.as gekko jumped down from romeo's lab holding the dust-o-tron.

Romeo:ugh...YOU WIN THIS TIME PJ MASKS BUT I'LL BE BACK!!!as he drove away.

Gekko:finally done I'm kinda tuckered out.as he was exhausted from this mission.

Catboy:well lucky for you gekko its gonna be morning soon so when we go back to HQ we can go home.

Gekko:oh good...as he was relieved as they started to walk back to HQ.

Owlette:oh wait guys we forgot something.as she looked at them as they realized.

Catboy:oh yeah...PJ MASKS ALL SHOUT HURRAY!!!


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