teaming up again

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Donnie and pj robot were trying to make a retro mutagen while catboy and gekko were trying to make a rescue mission.

Catboy:the owl-glider is fix but how are we gonna get owlette plus the other turtles back?

Gekko:we can take the pj jet and fly in.

Catboy:yeah but there's lots of mutants everywhere how are we gonna get in.

Gekko:well when donnie and pj robot finish the retro mutagen we can change them back and they might help us take down shredder and romeo.

Donnie:wow pj robot your really smart you remind of he was impressed by what chemicals he was using.

Pj robot:*beeps*(who's that?)?

Donnie:umm...he's a old robot..I mean cyborg they continue working on it.

Donnie:ok hopefully this would he put one small drop of the retro mutagen under his microscope and looked at it and seen that it was moving then it stopped and became bright.

Donnie:holy moly...than he cheered very loudly.

Catboy:what's wrong?

Donnie:me and pj robot just created a super strong retro mutagen than can reverse all of the effects of any kind of mutagen.

Gekko:that's awesome now we can-

The doorbell started to ring.

Gekko:who's that?as catboy check the picture player and seen Leonardo,raphael and michelangelo at the door.

Catboy:oh look who is the leader of the turtle team and looks like he bring back his brother...wait where's he was talking to him.

Leo:*sighs*let us in then we'll tell catboy let them in.

Catboy:now explain.


Leo:and that's what he finished telling what happened as everyone was shocked.

Catboy:so owlette is a giant mutant owl because of you and now you need our help even though you exclaimed the ninjas will do all the work and we're just he turned around and crossed his arms.

Leo:look catboy I'm sorry I just gotten alittle mad but please you have to help save the catboy didn't respond.

Leo:you don't have to do it for the world you can do it for your friends..for catboy still didn't respond as leonardo sighed and was about to leave.

Catboy:wait...let's do everyone cheered.

Catboy:TIME TO BE A HERO!!!as the turtles looked at him confused.

Raph:what was that about?

Catboy:its a thing we do ok.

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