romeo's mutation

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Catboy,gekko,the turtles and shredder and his goons were running where the big tank of mutagen was at.

They arrived and they seen romeo at the edge of the mutagen tank wearing shredder's claws and holding some robot parts.

romeo:looks like my prisoners escape and they're teaming with the pjs and turtles.

Catboy:don't even start romeo what are you doing.

Romeo:well seeing some of these mutations I have decided to mutate myself with metal head's claws the turtle's weapons and some robot parts so I can become a unstoppable mutant.

Catboy:not on my watch...SUPER CAT JUMP!!!as he jumped towards romeo as owlette came and pushed him back with a strong gust of wind she made with her wings. owlette screeched like a owl than all of the other mutants came.

Romeo:mutants take care of then while I go and become the powerful the mutants begins to attack  them as they were dodging and fighting back.

Donnie:hey dexter stockman.

Baxter stockman:itzz baxter zztockman!

Donnie:whatever anyways can you fly me up towards romeo so I can grab baxter stockman nodded and grabbed donatello and flew him towards romeo.

Romeo:gonna become a unstoppable mutant in 3...2- he grabbed romeo as he made him drop the robot parts the turtles weapons and shredder's claws.

Mikey:thanks for the weapons the turtles and shredder got their weapons/claws back.

Romeo:let me go green freak!as he bite donatello arm hard.

Donnie:OW!!!as he accidentally let him go as romeo fell into the mutagen tank.

Romeo started to scream in pain as everyone stopped fighting and was looking then suddenly romeo jumped out and he looked at himself and he was a big scientist looking turtle mutant.

Romeo:what the...I'm...I'm...HIDEOUS!!!as he looked at his reflection through the tank.

Mikey:you thought it was gonna turn you into something handsome?

Romeo:I never wanted to be like this I wanted to be a unstoppable mutant now I'm a ugly looking turtle and it's all your fault!as he pointed at the turtles and shredder.

Raph:you hey did this to yourself squirt.

Romeo:oh yeah well I'm gonna do this to you!as he ran up to raphael and punched him directly to his chest as raphael slammed into the wall.

Raphael:I'm ok...

Romeo:mutants I want you guys to kill the pjs the turtles and shredder and his dumb goons!as the mutants starting to attack them.

Mikey:what are we gonna do dudes!?

Donnie:don't worry I got my retro blaster so I can mix it with the mutagen so I can make a better retro mutagen.than suddenly his retro blaster was taken by luna girl as she destroyed it.

Donnie:somebody pass me their retro blasters.

Leo:don't worry I can-

As orticia destroyed his retro blaster.

Gekko:don't worry I-

As night ninja destroyed his.

Donnie:catboy hurry and give me yourself catboy was blocked by owlette.

Catboy:*gulp*sorry owlette I love you!as he jumped on her head.

Catboy:SUPER CAT JUMP!!!as he jumped high and threw his retro blaster at donatello.

Donatello:ok baxter let's do this!as he started to shoot the retro mutagen into the mutagen tank as baxter stockman was flying him around spreading the retro mutagen around.

And in 5 seconds the all of the mutagen turned into a better brighter and stronger retro mutagen.

Baxter stockman:how are we gonna mutate all the them back?

Donnie:by doing this...guys get higher ground now!as the turtles used their grappling hooks to go up to the ceiling and shredder climb on the walls.

Gekko:SUPER GEKKO MUSCLES!!!as he lifted bebop and rocksteady.

Rocksteady:woah you strong just like the rocksteady.

Gekko:SUPER LIZARD GRIP!!!as he walk on the walls.

Catboy:SUPER CAT jump!!!as he jump onto leonard's leg and hold onto him.

Catboy:this isn't weird!he said to make things less awkward.

Donnie:hey mutants hope you like some retro mutagen!as he broke the glass with his staff as baxter stockman flew him up as all the retro mutagen came out and splashed all over the mutants.

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