mutant fighting and mutagen finding

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Gekko,catboy,leonardo and donatello were in the gekko mobile using its camouflage mode while owlette,michelangelo and raphael were in the owl-glider checking if any of the mutants are here.

Gekko:are we there yet donatello?

Donatello:yeah we're actually they arrived in a dirty alley.

Catboy:yuck this is where you guys were living?as they jumped out the gekko mobile as him and gekko were disgusted.

Donatello:of course not we're not  raccoons now come we live down here he opened the sewer lid.

Catboy:even better...he said sarcastically as they went in the sewers.

Catboy:you guys keep a eye out in case any of those mutants owlette gave a thumbs up as catboy jumped in the sewers.

Mikey:man this owl jet is cool right raph!as he seen raphael covering his mouth as he looked even greener than usual.

Raph:why do the sky he was about to puke.

Owlette:no sight of any mutants so far...SUPER OWL EYES!!!as she was looking and seen no one yet.

Raph:can we just land real quick so I'll stop being sick. they landed next to the gekko mobile as raphael felt alittle better.

Raph:much better.

Mikey:umm...dudes there's a three headed werewolf human mutant charging at us!as mikey pointed at the wolfy kids charging at them.

Owlette:everyone hop out!as they all hopped out the owl-glider as the wolfies kick the owl-glider which damaged it as owlette,michelangelo and raphael landed on the ground.

Owlette:that's gonna take pj robot a long time to fix it!as the wolfies turned around and started to growl.

Raph:what the heck is that!?

Owlette:those are the wolfy kids looks like their like somekind of cerberus.

Mikey:cerberus more like a wolfberus!

Owlette:what are we gonna do!?

Raph:duh we fight!as he pulled his sais out.

Owlette:ok but don't attack them too hard they're our friends they were running at the wolfies.

*with catboy,gekko,leonardo and donatello*

They were walking in the sewers going  to the place the turtles were living.

Gekko:the sewers aren't that bad when you get use to it.

Catboy:let's just hope nobody flushes the toilet cause that would be bad.

Gekko:oh..eww...anyways are we there yet.

Donatello:actually yeah we they arrived at their lair.

Gekko:hey look all the stolen pizzas!as he pointed at all those pizza boxes.

Donatello:can you drop the pizza thing we have a bigger problem here now let's find the they started to look for the mutagen.

Leonardo:anyone found it yet?as they all nodded no.

Gekko:the only thing Ibfound is this weird canister with weird glowing the turtles look and seen gekko was holding the canister of mutagen.

Donatello:gekko you found the mutagen.

Catboy:finally we can go back.

Gekko:after we take the pizza with the others looked at him.

Gekko:maybe later...

Owlette:catboy trouble...there lots of mutants!she called them on their communicator as there was static sounds coming from it.

Catboy:oh no..guysvwe have to go the others are in they ran out the lair.

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