two plans

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The pj masks and the turtles were in HQ patching up gekko,catboy,michelangelo and donatello who got hurt a tiny bit badly.

Owlette:are you guys ok?

Gekko:my arm is alittle sore but I'll still be fine.

Catboy:same with me luckily he didn't break my ribcage.

Mikey:I might have gotten punched really hard but atleast I got some pizza with he was eating some pizza he had.

Donnie:I only have a tiny bruise on my shoulder but I'm still fine.

Leo:we could have know what they were up to why did run in like that gekko!

Gekko:what they were gonna take luna away so I had to do something.

Leo:but look what happened you guys could have gotten killed!

Gekko:look buddy we are the heroes of this city so we know what we're doing!as gekko stand up and went near leonardo.

Catboy:ok ok let's settle down guys we know where they're gonna go and we know who they're teaming with.than the picture player was beeping loudly.

Mieky:what's that beeping noise pj robot dude?as pj robot check and seen footage of these mutant creatures causing mayhem around the city.

Owlette:what are those things!?

Raph:those things look like mutants.

Catboy:wait those mutants look are familiar.

Gekko:yeah I think they're the wolfies,armadylan,night ninja,orticia and*gasp* luna...

Owlette:what happened to them!?

Mikey:it must have been shredder dudes he must have mutate them!

Owlette:how are we gonna change them back?

Donnie:I got some one canister of mutagen we could used that to make retro mutagen.

Gekko:what's that?

Donnie:mutagen that can turn people who got mutated back to normal.

Gekko:oh good..where is it?

Donnie:its...back in the sewers...

Leo:ok we can sneak back to the sewers get the mutagen and sneak all the way back to HQ.

Mieky:how are we gonna do that bro theres lots of mutates around this whole city?

Leo:we're ninjas mikey.

Mikey:oh yeah.

Catboy:your plan sounds good leonardo but what about we some of us go up in the owl-glider in the skies watching looking out for any mutants in sight while the the other half of the team goes in the gekko mobile and go in camouflage mode and go in the sewers to get this mutagen.

Leo:that sounds risky we should be stealthy and go on foot.

Catboy:what about we vote who agrees with my plan raise your all of them raised they're hands for catboy's plan.

Leo:*sighs*fine we'll do catboy's plan...

Catboy:well me,you,gekko and donatello will sneak in the sewers while the others go in the owl-glider.

Mikey:what is the owl-glider?

Owlette:its my vehicle and it can fly.

Mieky:we get to fly in the sky...WOOHOO DUDE!!!as he was excited to fly.

Raph:*sighs*I hope I don't get the pj masks and turtles separated and went in the gekko mobile and owl-glider and drove/flew off.

Pj Masks X Tmnt CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now