hunting for tests subjects

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The wolfy kids were digging holes trying to find bones.

Howler:did any of you guys find anything?


Kevin:all I found was a giant bone but still he showed it them as howler and rip eyes were wide and looked at each other aggressively.

Howler:its mine!

Rip:no its mine!as they all started to fight for the bones.

Kevin:umm...guys whi are those guys?as he pointed at shredder,bebop and rocksteady walking towards them.

Bebop:what the heck are thise things!?

Rocksteady:they look like the were of the wolfs but only little kids.

Howler:who are you calling little we are grown adults let's howl them guys!as they got together and sonic howled bebop and rocksteady away.

Shredder:they look like good test subjects.he said to himselfs.

Rip:what are you gonna do metal head!as they all laughed except for kevin.

Kevin:guys that wasn't nice.

Shredder:I'm gonna do he pulled out something is was a circle and threw it towards the wolfies.

The woflies:BALL!!!as theyvwere about to play with it a hole appeared and shoot out smoke.

Howler:eww this smells nasty!as they were disgusted by the smell.

Rip:worst than a onion! you feel he felt sleepy.

Rip:since you mentioned it I do feel sorta sleepy... they all passed oyt on the floor.

Bebop:we are back those dogs blew us into a tree anyways what happened?

Shredder:not much now grab some cages and put those dogs in it cause we're gonna hunt for some more test subjects.


Night ninja was relaxing on a hammock without his ninjalinos.

Night ninja:this is so relaxing luckily my ninjalinos are back in mystery mountain still training so they won't bother me.than he heard someone walking to him and looked to hisboeft and seen shredder,bebop and rocksteady.

Night ninja:who and what are you guys?

Rocksteady:no questions we're here to capture.

Night ninja:ha no one can capture this master ninja!as he threw sticky splat at bebop and rocksteady.

Bebop:you think that can stop us little ninja?as they took the splat off.

Night ninja:nope but this can!as he used his ninja fingers to levitate shredder,bebop and rocksteady.

Night ninja:what ya gonna do now?

Bebop:this hee hee!as he shoots tubs of glue from his belt and it hits night ninja as they got back down to the ground

Night ninja:this is really sticky stickier than my splats!as shredder came up to night ninja and threw one of his bombs at night ninja which shot out smoke.

Night ninja:hey what he passed out.

Shredder:hurry and take this mistake calling its self a ninja away in a bebop and rocksteady took him away.


Armadylan was lifting two cars in his hand cause he was bored.

Armadylan:tonight is boring...there's no villains to fight...

Bebop:you sure about him shredder and rocksteady came.

Armadylan:cool new villians the rino and the metal guy looks cool but the pig looks weird.

Bebop:HEY!!!as he was running towards him.

Armadylan:you can't take me on...THUNDER THUMP!!!as he made the ground shake as everyone almost fell down.

Rocksteady:don't worry bebop rocksteady got this!as he was charging armadylan horn first.

When rocksteady was near armadylan he got his horn and started to push him.

Rocksteady:this armadillo boy got strength!

Armadylan:its armadylanas he picked him up and threw him and he landed on bebop.

Rocksteady:lucky but can you take this!as he got a missile launcher and aimed on missile at armadylan.

Armadylan:ha you can't hurt me I have armadillo armor there's no way-

But when the missile it him it exploded and he hit some garbage can and gotten knocked out.

Bebop:that was kinda cruel rocksteady bro.

Rocksteady:what he was like killing machine.

Bebop:let's hope he is still they took armadylan.


Orticia is just at the park growing some of her plants.

Orticia:my beauties are big and she started to hum and her plants joined with her than her plants suddenly stopped.

Orticia:what's wrong plantys?than she heard someone behind and seen shredder,bebop and rocksteady.

Orticia:you guys are scaring my plantys you guys will pay!as she planted twi seeds in the ground and they grew into two big venus fly trap.

Shredder:let me take care of this he walked  towards orticia and sliced her plantys in seconds than he started to walk up orticia menacingly.

Orticia:back or I'll summon more plantys!as she got scared and threw more seeds but shredder sliced them up before they could even touch the ground.

Orticia:please don't hurt me! she started to cry as shredder got the bombs and threw it to orticia which shoots the smoke out which made her passed out.

Bebop:that was alittle scary mr.shredder dude.

Rocksteady:yeah a bit cruel.

Shredder:zip it and take her away cause we have another he pointed at luna girl ready a big with her moths.

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