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The pj masks were outside of HQ training with the ninja turtles gekko was training with raphael.

Gekko:your going too fast raphael let me take a breath!as raphael was going hard and fast on gekko.

Raph:no breaths cause shredder will attack without hesitation at anytime so you have to deal with it he did it even harder and even faster.

Gekko:LIZARD TAIL SWIPE!!!as raphael dodged it.

Raph:that's the best you got?

Gekko:no this is...SUPER GEKKO CAMOUFLAGE!!!as he turn invisible.

Raph:hey where did you go squirt!?than gekko started attacking him while he's still invisible.

Gekko:here...SUPER GEKKO MUSCLES!!!as he turned back visible ran towards raphael and tackled him to the ground not letting him go.

Raph:LET ME GO!!!as he was struggling to get up.

Gekko:not until you say sorry.

Raph:sorry for what!?

Gekko:sorry for calling me squirt.

Raph:...OK..sorry for calling you squirt.

Gekko:there was that so he got off him as raphael got up.

Raph:yes but you weren't so bad little guy. they shook hands.

Owlette was training with michelangelo and donatello.

Owlette:come on guys go hard on me I can take it!

Mikey:ok then let's do it they started to go hard on her.

Donnie:remember youbcan tell us to take it down if you he notice she's kinda struggling.

Owlette:no I can handle it...SUPER OWL FEATHERS!!!as she made her feathers big and put them in front of her.

Donnie:nice try but..where she go?as they knocked down the feathers and seen she disappeared.

Owlette:I'm right behind...SUPER OWL FEATHERS!!!as she used her feathers to lift the michelangelo and donatello up and spin them around.

Mikey:stop I'm getting sick dude!as he felt like he was about to throw up as she put them down.

Donnie:have to say that was a good move.

Mikey:yeah it was a level 9 booyakasha!

Owlette:thanks I been practicing.

Catboy was training with Leonardo and he was doing super well at it

Catboy:come on leonardo go hard on me!

Leo:I am going hard on you.

Catboy:no like go really really hard.

Leo:are you sure?as catboy nodded.

Leo:ok then you don't say I didn't warn he started to go super hard on him as catboy dodged some of his moves.

Catboy:SUPER CAT STRIPES!!!as he got his stripes out and started slashing them around and Leonardo dodged it and slice his stripes

Catboy:oh lucky but you can't stop my.. SUPER CAT SPEED!!!as he was running around him in circles as leo closed his eyes waiting for the best time then grabs catboy on the arm and softly kicks him to the ground.

Leo:well you said to go hard on he helped catboy up.

Catboy:yeah I sorta asked for it.

Leo:hey don't get so down you were actually pretty good.

Catboy:thanks you two

Pj robots:*beeps*(GUYS WE HAVE A EMERGENCY!!!)!!!as came to them loudly beeping.

Gekko:what's wrong pj robot?

Pj robot:*beeps*(FOLLOW ME AND I'LL SHOW YOU!!!)!!!as he the pj masks and the turtles follow pj robot to HQ

They were all in HQ and pj robot showed them some footage of shredder,bebop and rocksteady capturing the wolfies,night ninja,armadylan and orticia on the picture player.

Leo:oh no its him...

Catboy:wait you guys mean that he is...


Mikey:with bebop and rocksteady bro.

Owlette:why is he capturing our friends.

Raph:where is he right now robot?as pj robot search and found them and show them what's happening right.

The footage was showing shredder,bebop and rocksteady surrounding luna girl at a alley.

Gekko:LUNA GUYS WE GOTTA GO NOW  TO THE GEKKO MOBILE!!!as he ran in the elevators.

Catboy:I guess let's they all went in the elevators as the pj masks went in the gekko mobile but not the turtles.

Gekko:come on turtles jump in!

Donnie:I don't think there's enough room for us.

Catboy:ima take the turtles in my catcar but one of you guys can go in my-

Mikey:ME!!!as he already went in catboy's seat.

Mikey:what I love this its green like us dudes.

Catboy:*sighs*let's the others went in the elevators and jumped in the catcar as both of the vehicles drove off.

Pj Masks X Tmnt CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now