in the flying and a strange team up

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The pj masks(plus pj robot)and the turtles were in the pj jet flying to the flying factory.

Donnie:ok guys so me and pj robot built these retro mutagen he showed them these four backpacks with somekind of shooter thing that has retro mutagen inside of it.

Mikey:you should call them the retro blaster!

Gekko:why that?

Mikey:because it sounds awesome and gekko agreed with him.

Leo:anyways the plan is to go inside the factory and find shredder and romeo and take them down.

Catboy:while we take down the big mutagen tank and also change our friends back to normal with these retro blasters.

Donnie:we only made four of these blasters so me catboy,leo and gekko get he handed them it and they put it on.

Mikey:WHAT NOT fair! he crossed his arms.

Leo:anyways when we did all that pj robot will be our get away jet and we fly outta here.

Gekko:sounds difficult but I know we can do he put his hand in the middle as everyone put their hand in the middle.

All:BOOYAKASHA!!!as they put their hands up.

Pj robot landed the pj jet on the flying factory as the others got out.

Pj robot:*beeps*(good luck I'll be in the skies circling the flying factory bye!)!as he started circling the around in the flying factory.

Leo:remember guys ninja stealth got everyone nodded.

Leo:you got he looked at him.

Mikey:come on dude I know everything about stealth watch he was doing ninja flips as fell hard and loudly on the ground.

Mikey:ow...luckily nobody heard.than suddenly the elevator opened and armadylan was there.

Raph:this is why we tell you a second time cause something like this would happened!

Gekko:don't worry guys I got this!as he aimed his retro blaster at armadylan and shoot some retro mutagen at him.

Armadylan was covered in mutagen but nothing happened.

gekko:umm...donatello is something suppose to happened here cause he's not changing? armadylan started attacking them as they were dodging his attacks.

Donatello:I don't get it this is a strong dose of retro mutagen it should have reverse leonardo gasp and realized something.

Leo:it must be the mutagen.

Mikey:yeah the mutagen didn't really seemed it's normal slimy gooey self dude.

Raph:yeah and if you tell me it looked kinda brighter than usual.

Gekko:what about we pour the retro mutagen and mix it with the mutagen then?

Donnie:*gasp*gekko your a genius that's exactly what we need to do mikey would you mind.

Mikey:ok D...SMOKE YA LATER!!!as he threw a smoke bomb at armadylan face as armadylan was shaking the smoke off and he seen the elevator closed.

Catboy,gekko and the turtles we in the flying factory.

Donnie:woah this is like a lab but in the sky!as he was amazed.

Leo:ok guys now let's get quiet.

Donnie:oh come on nobody is orticia and night ninja appear behind donatello.

Raph:you had to pull a mikey.

Mikey:HA you pulled a mikey...HEY!!!

Leo:ok guys let's-

Mikey:wait leo look!as he pointed at orticia snake hands as it was facing her and it bit her face and started punching her in the face as she was getting beaten up by something invisible as he gotten knocked out.

Night ninja tried to look for it as he was trying to splat it but gotten beat up and knocked out.

Catboy:woah gekko that was kinda cool how you used your invisible powers.

Gekko:what do you mean I been right here the whole time.

Catboy:wait if that's not you then...

Bebop:its me suckers!as bebop turned visible.

Raph:of course the hog!as they got ready to fight him.

Shredder:not only shredder,rocksteady and baxter stockman came.

Mikey:why would you take down your own mutant minions dudes?

Shredder:because their not my anymore that brat betrayed me.

Donnie:how do we know your just lying?

Shredder:if I was lying I would have attack you by now

Raph:so what are you gonna do then retreat like babies?

Shredder:no I'm gonna be taking that little brat down.

Catboy:wait so your gonna help us?

Shredder:I never said I was helping you guys.

Leo:*sighs*well what about you make a promise we team up to stop him and we won't have to fight he put his hand out.

Shredder:I never make promises.

Leo:neither do he smirked.

Mikey:well about we go and stop romeo they all looked at each other and ran away.

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