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                             she was starting to wake up and seen she was in HQ and seen pj robot right in front of her with a happy look.

Owlette:what the..what's going on..where am I? she looked around her and seen armadylan,night ninja,orticia,luna girl,the wolfy kids and romeo laying down on separate blankets and pillows and seen the turtles wrapping bandages on catboy's knee and giving gekko a sling for his arm.

Owlette:catboy...gekko is that you guys? catboy and gekko looked at owlette and had tears in their eyes and ran towards her and hugged her tightly as pj robot joined in too.


Owlette:guys..your hugging..alittle tight she was being squeezed at they stopped hugging.

Catboy:sorry we thought we were gonna lose you.

Gekko:yeah since you gotten poisoned with plant like snake venom.

Mikey:also gotten turned into a owl like mutant.


Raph:MIKEY!!!as he hit him on the head.

Donnie:luckily me and pj robot created a cure and healed you before it got he showed her a shot that they used to heal owlette as owlette looked at the turtles,catboy and gekko and seen they gotten pretty bruised and hurt.

Owlette:what happened to you guys you all look hurt?

Raph:we just fought shredder but we'll be fine.

Gekko:yeah my arm will be fine for a couple of days.

Owlette:catboy your knee!as he seen his bandages was stained with blood.

Catboy:don't worry I'll be he grabbed owlette face and kissed her.

Mikey:aww so cute!

Armadylan:ugh...what happened? the others started to wake up.

Luna girl:I have a splitting headache...

Gekko:LUNA YOUR OK!!!as he came and hugged her.

Night ninja:same here moon he had a headache two.

Howler:are we in the pjs HQ?

Orticia:I feel achy all over mine body...

Romeo:ugh...being mutated sucks why did I thought it was a good idea?...

Rip:what the heck even happened here...why ate they're four lizards wearing weird masks?

Mikey:we're turtles and these masks are cool!

Catboy:these guys are he was trying to come up a good name for them.

Gekko:THE TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES!!!as he came up with a name to call them.

Mikey:I like that name dude!

Catboy:they are the ones that turned you all back to normal and also saved you guys.

Leo:but we could not have done this without the pj masks's help though they are really true he put his hand on catboy's shoulder.

Romeo:you dumb pjs ima create a better plan to defeat you and your turtle friends and will...TAKE OVER THE-

As raphael grabbed romeo and kicked him out of HQ.

Owlette:guys I'm wondering something what happened to shredder?

Gekko:well we seen him and his goons vanish so they might still be here.

Raph:no with a plan like this fails he's going back to new york where we can take him down once and for all their.

Leo:yeah and sadly this is where we are going to part ways it was good working with you catboy.

Catboy:you two they started shaking hands.

Leo:you are a good leader and a good hero I'm sorry that I ever doubted you.

Catboy:same here we are both good leaders in they both started laughing.

Mikey:anyways while you two are just laughing and since we saved everyone and the world its time for a celebratory...PIZZA PARTY!!!as he gotten pizza boxes and started eating pizza

Gekko:wait a minute but is this-

Mikey:don't worry dude I only got 9 boxes here there's lots of them in the sewer which we are going to bring back to the pizzeria later dude.

Mikey:anyways come dudes on let's everyone started eating pizza.

Catboy:guys we almost forgot something.

Donnie:forgot what?



Leo:what was that?

Catboy:its a thing we say when we save the day.

Mikey:cool well I usually say this when we save the day...BOOYAKASHA!!!

Raph:enough with the dumb victory stuff let's just they continue to eat pizza.

Pj Masks X Tmnt CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now