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''Why are you so giddy? You're making me dizzy!'' Heeseung hyung yelled at me but I paid no mind.

''He's happy because his crush approached him this morning.'' Ni-ki muttered making me glare at him.

''Shut. Up.'' I seriously said, emphasizing my words, but too late for that.

''BITCH?! DID I HEARD THAT RIGHT?! SPILL! RIGHT. NOW!'' Heeseung hyung halted in front of me and used his alpha voice. But it doesn't affect me because I, myself is an alpha.

''No.'' I walked ahead of him and avoided his gaze.

''YAH I SWEAR PARK JAY IF YOU WON'T SPILL, I'LL TELL YOUR DIRTIEST SECRETS TO THE WHOLE CAMPUS!'' He shot back, making me stop from walking and closed my eyes.

[Oh, Nishimura. You'll be definitely getting a payback.] I linked Ni-ki and looked at him in the eyes. He seem to be scared of my words making him ran away as fast as he could.

So Heeseung hyung pulled me by the arm and sat on a bench. That japanese pu p is lucky that Sunghoon isn't here, because I'm sure that tall penguin will be the first one who'll laugh at me.

''Talk.'' My cousin said in a low voice as I gulp, scared by his stares.

''Well you see...''


''I'm screwed, Ni-ki.'' I shut my eyes close and sigh.

''Why, hyung?'' He tilted his head and looked at me with curious eyes.

''You see, I wanted to follow what Aunt Juhyun said. You know, finding my runaway mate. So I broke up with Yujin and---''

''Yes!'' He cut me and punched the air looking ever so happy. I spanked him making him sit properly.

''I broke up with Yujin and decided to be devoted on finding my mate. But this morning...'' I paused, hesitating to continue or not. Ni-ki nodded telling me to go on as I took a deep breath before talking again.

''This morning, when we ate lunch, I started feeling this weird something towards Jungwon and it kinda pissed me when I saw Daniel all clingy to him like that and...'' I lowered my head, embarrassed to finish my sentence.

''So you snapped at Daniel during practice because you were jealous? Is that it?'' He stated like he read my mind that it just made me more embarrassed to admit it. I kept my head low and nodded. After a few seconds, I realized he wasn't responding so I looked at him, only to see him fighting the urge to laugh.

''If you laugh at me I swear I---''

''PFFFT HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA'' He didn't even let me finish and rolled to the ground laughing his lungs out.

[end of flashback]

[A/N: This was the hidden ending scene of Chapter 17. So to explain this, he told Heeseung what exactly he told to Ni-ki.]

''HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA'' My effin cousin laughed like how Ni-ki did making me glare at him.

''Go on. Make fun of me. But if this reaches to the others especially to Sunghoon--oh you know how talkative that dumbass is--I swear I'll take away all the ramyeons I gave you.'' I warned as I waited him to finish making fun of me. After a minute or two, he finally composed himself and wiped his fake tear before talking

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