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''That bitch is crazy. They already broke up and she still had the guts to tell everyone that they're dating? How pathetic. And how the heck did Jay hyung knew about Philip?!'' Sunoo ranted as he drove us back home.

''Don't look at me. You know that I can't even approach him properly.'' I raised my hands up because I'm innocent.

''Well, now I'm giving you a mission. Go win his heart quickly then ask him who the heck told him about Philip.'' He ordered.

''Oh, wow! Are you commanding me?! Hey may I remind you that we'll have the same position as the second Alpha when Jay hyung accepts me?!'' I opposed and flipped my imaginary long hair.

''Brat. Can't even do a favor for his beautiful bestfriend.'' Sunoo mumbled and made me look at him.

''You do know I can hear you even if you whisper, right?'' I raised a brow at him making him scoff.

''Yeah yeah, Mr. I-have-wolf-hearing.'' He mocked and ignored my offended face.

''Anyway, what now? How can I make him fall for me?'' I seriously asked as I saw him grin and without a word, he made a u-turn making me fumble on my seat and almost hit myself to the windshield.

''Yah! Are you committing suicide?! If you do, let me out of here first! And where are you going?! The pack is that way!'' I ranted on my seat. He rubbed his ears and scrunched his nose.

''Relax. We're just going to White Oak Pack and you're gonna spend time with Jay hyung.'' He calmly answered, making me panic even more.

''Hey we didn't said a thing to our parents! We're gonna be screwed! Yah!''

''Tss. Easy.'' He muttered and pressed something on his car. Later on, I found out that he called his parents.

''Hey mom! I just want you to know that me and Jungwon are going to White Oak Lands now to visit our friends.'' He straight-forwardly said.

|Oh. Okay baby. Be home early!| Luna Sooyoung answered.

''Thanks mom!'' Then he immediately hung up and called another person, which was my mom.

''Hey Auntie! I'm taking Jungwon to Jay hyung and Ni-ki's pack! We'll go home early!'' He said again, without even letting me speak.

|Alright. Be careful, you two.| Mom answered and hung up.

''And that's what you called 'Sunoo's charm'.'' He giggled as I rolled my eyes.

''Oh look! Corns! Jay hyung likes those! We should buy some, then you cook dinner for him. You know what they say, a way to a man's heart is through his stomach. And if you can't reach his heart by passing through the stomach, then find another way.'' He said while grinning making me smack his lap and glared.

''What?! You're so effin green minded! I mean another way besides cooking for him!'' Sunoo added, making me pout and cross my arms angrily. He's making fun of me on purpose. He stopped by and made me buy corns. I just thought of a recipe right now. I just wish they have a stock of ingredients at home. When I paid, I quickly walked back to the car so that the recipe won't vanish from my head.

Then my phone vibrated. I fished for it and saw that Daniel texted me.

Dandan🐻 (1 unread message)

Hyung, can we meet tomorrow? I want to give you something.

Artificial Life: Two Wolves | JayWonWhere stories live. Discover now