Stealing moments

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Chapter 1


" This is insane"
I said under my breath, as Zuko and I were boarding the plane. I wondered what was my motivation for this, I don't think I had feelings for him. I smiled and spoke to him because it's polite, I worked for him and his wife a year after varsity. So that was two years ago, and I don't remember flirting with him but yet the minute he asked this of me. I risked it all, and that's not like me. I never do anything insane.
" We are about to take off"
He said, he held my hand and I felt safe. I closed my eyes trying to process this.
" Don't close your eyes, you might miss the beauty of it all"


Arriving in Jo'burg was interesting I think for the both of us. We didn't really know each other that well, so a few hiccups met us along the way. Like I didn't know he was allergic to nuts, he didn't know that I can actually drive. But all these things were not deal breakers, we were both having fun learning these things about each other.
"Quickly getting us a room"
He said, I don't know if it was intentional but he kissed my cheek. I smiled at him, we stared at each other for a minute in silence.
Me" Okay"
It felt right which made it all scary because how can something so wrong feel so good?. Why is it that I wasn't imagining how his wife felt right now? Or how I told my boyfriend that my uncle died without flinching like it wasn't a lie.
Me" I am scared"
Zuko" Me too"
We hugged and then he pulled away to actually try and get get us a room seeing we've been in this lobby forever.

In the room it was a bit awkward, I walked over him and gave him a kiss.
" I think I need to take a nap"
I said and he smiled at me, we were both shy and not sure what to do next.
Zuko" I also don't know what happens next"
" We can talk"
Me" Talk?"
Zuko" Wait"
He made a call and asked them to bring us a bottle of Jameson whisky. I changed into a dress while he was on the phone with someone, I sat on the bed, there was a knock on the door probably the delivery. I went to get it, then grabbed the glasses and sat on the bed again.
Zuko" Sorry about that, it was a client wanting to make some changes"
" So, Azange"
He poured a drink for us then gave me my glass.
Zuko" Why were you working at my house?"
"I think Samke said you were a graduate"
Me" Well, I have student loans and my mother needed me to pay those since we were still waiting for my father's retirement fund to clear up"
"Your wife paid me well, so I decided to stay until I found something better"
Zuko" Soon to be ex wife"
Me" Yes, well Samke, I think I liked the security and was just scared of the real world. I am not one to do anything crazy"
" Well I guess I can't say that anymore"
Zuko" I didn't think you'd come"
Me" I also didn't think I would, I kept on asking myself why am I doing it and all I came up with was a big ball of nothing"
Zuko" That's bad?"
Me" Is it had that it actually turns out you were right about me having a crush on you?"
Zuko" Can I kiss you?"
I nodded, we kissed then looked at each other, we kissed again and this time he touched me. It felt right, it felt good and I knew it was wrong but how can something that feels this good be so wrong.
I took off my top then my bra, he stared at my breast and then smiled.
Me" We might as well go all the way"


I opened my eyes and he was taking pictures of me. I smiled and he captured another one.
" Hello beautiful"
He said and then leaned in for a kiss.
Me" I am hungry"
Zuko" Take a shower and I'll book a table for us a restaurant"
Me" Can we get Burger King and just come back here then watch a movie"
"You are still married"
Zuko" Okay, I hear you"

Our evening was filled with laughter and great sex, life changing sex. We got to know each other and make plans for a future.
" How come you never had children? Seeing that you've been married for 6 years"
I asked him, my head my on his chest.
Zuko" It never happened for us, Samke and I tried then we got tired of not getting any results. She hurried herself in her work and I did the same"
He's a photographer, he writes for magazines and works as a foreign correspondent for CNN.
Me" I want children, I want to be a mother"
"I want marriage and all those other things, I want the little moments, I deserve them and If you and I are together then I cannot be with you and you still stay with her"
" I am letting go and trusting you, but I want all of you Zuko and not just parts of you"
He leans in and kissed me, I move up so I can kiss him properly. I tilt my head and lean in, my eyes close as he does the same. Our lips meet. Moving together like we have done this a thousand times. We haven't. His hands run down my side, sending shivers down my back. He pulls me on top of him, my legs straddling his. My hands on his shoulders, his on my ass. We keep kissing, barely breaking to breathe, our tongues exploring. His hands move from my ass to my chest.
" I don't want to share you"
Instead of answering, I slide off the bed and sink to my knees in front of him. First licking the length of his manhood, and flicking the tip of it with my tongue. Then, I slip the head of his dick into my mouth and gently suck on it. I look up at him and take more of his dick into my mouth. Bobbing up and down on his dick, I make sure to go a little deeper each time. Every time I come up I can taste the saltiness of his precum on my tongue. I try to take all of him and gag a bit as I do. As I choke on his manhood, he moans, music to my ears. I'm desperate to make him moan again, so I keep trying to take all of him in my throat.
After going up and down on his dick, I come up again to breathe, but I want more than just giving him a blow job. Standing up, I kiss him hard and stroke his spit coated dick with my hand. With our tongues dancing, I know he can taste himself on my lips. Just knowing that turns me on even more.
Me" Make her sign those divorce papers"

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