Riding in cars with boys

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Chapter 6

Day 13

" Wanna fetch me from the airport?"
I read his message then switched off my phone and cried myself to sleep.
" Azy"
I ignored him, then put the pillow over my face. I haven't slept. I have been crying, and actually sleeping for a minute then wake up and cry again. I researched it, the disease and I had so many questions. I am tired though, tired of being labeled as a whore. I am tired of fighting with everyone. I just want to stay in bed and just lay here, hopefully starve to death.
Zuko" Babe"
He removed the pillow from my face and the look in his eyes was enough to make me cry even harder.
"Azange, hey, get up. Phakama"
I woke up from my sleep after Zuko dragged me out of bed, bathed me and gave me two pills.
Me" Hey"
I went to sit next him, he was typing on his laptop.
Zuko" Did she do that to your jersey?"
Me" Yiyeke"
Zuko" No, I don't think I can do that"
Me" You will, Zuko I am exhausted. She is angry, and I forgive her. Not over it but I forgive her"
Zuko" I love you"
" Her lawyers received the papers today and mine said we should have them back by tomorrow and she will get everything in motion"
I just nodded, I didn't ask him about it because it wasn't her story to tell and she only told me to manipulate the situation.
Me" What should I make for supper?"
Zuko" It's 22:30 pm, I took care of supper kudala. We are having chicken feet and dumplings, but if you don't want that, there's a salad I bought for you earlier and there's soup"
Me" I will obviously go for the dumplings and chicken feet"
"I will go warm it up"
I got up from the couch then kissed his forehead.
Zuko" I hate that you are not okay because of me"
"I am sorry"
Me" I can handle it"
Zuko" Doesn't make it right"
Me" We will talk about it some other time"
Zuko" Okay"
Me" Okay"


Day 14

Zuko is the type of man who goes out of his way to show you that he loves you. You can have doubts but one thing about him, he'll show up and show you that your doubts are just outside noise. We were on our way to Coffee Bay, he was driving and we were singing along to Khaya Mthethwa's Khulumsebenzi. Yep, we went from Drake to Gospel and it turned out we both love this song.
" You are the worst content creator, this is our first baecation and you are not even taking videos"
He said
Me" I am!!! Just focus on the road"
We were really happy and he meant it when he said what happened yesterday was not going to factor our relationship because he literally woke me up at 4 am and told me I need to pack because we are going away for the rest of the week.
Zuko" Why are you wearing a cap? I forgot to ask"
Me" My hair isn't done, remember I took off my braids before bed and didn't wash my hair"
Zuko" You are going through a lot"
Me" Right?"
" Did you book a place already?"
Kanye West's Gold Digger came on and he giggled.
Zuko" We need to discuss how chaotic your playlist is"
Me" We will table that"
Zuko" Yes, I booked a place, I hope you love it"
"I am about to rap along because andizithandi"
Me" Uthandwa ndim, that's enough"

We arrived a little after 1pm and he went to check in while I off loaded our luggage. He helped me to our room and I took off my cap and he screamed.
Me" I hate you hahaha"
Zuko" Racoon tshomi, yhoo! Kanti unje????? Braids are the strongest filters"
Me" You hate me"
Zuko" Izapha tshongo bane nwele ezimbi"
I acted like I didn't wanna kiss me, we kissed.
Me" I need to get my weave done"
Zuko" Hay Nombi, we are in the outskirts, just deal with what you have and stop being weird"
" Ndadlala"
Me" Hahaha wow Zuko, I hate you right now"
Zuko" Damn I thought we were going to christen this room"
Me" Andikatyi Zuko"
Zuko" Fine, I'll be your first meal of the day"
Immediately I could feel his things pressing firmly between our bodies. My mind was racing away with me. Already, I was dreaming of having him inside, riding him long and slow, gently working him all the way until he filled my loins with his manly warmth. I had to tell myself not to rush things, not to spoil this special moment we had together.
Me" Take off your clothes"
Zuko" Fuck! I love you!!"
Me" I know my love"
We kissed just a gentle peck on his lips. I didn't break eye contact while I took off my clothes. We got on the bed and I was on top off him. I loved the feeling in my breasts as he continued to work them, but I needed more. I longed to feel him deep inside again, so much so, that I could feel the ache of desire. I helped him ease his way inside of me, biting my lip, and holding my breath, I continued my slow descent. Inch by inch I felt my walls stretch tightly against his dick as I impaled myself.
"You feel so good"
We continued to kiss, I started to move. Slowly, at first, I shuffled my ass against his legs. The movement was short, his dick barely sliding deep inside. I could feel him press hard against my inner walls, and it felt so... so... good. I continued. It was so simple. I ground my ass against him. I worked his dick ever so slightly inside my tight walls. I could feel my desires rise to the fore and, as they did, I started to pick up speed. Before long I was rocking on his lap, using my hips to leverage my pussy forward and back, but at no time truly riding him.
"Oh baby! Ah!!!! Yes!!"
We were both out of breathe, he kissed me and I giggled.
Zuko" I didn't know sex can be this amazing"
In all honesty, I also didn't, I didn't even know I love sex this much but with Zuko. I wanted every part of him. I needed him next to me.
Me" I love you"
Zuko" Let me shower then I'll go get us some food"
Me" Babe"
Zuko"What's wrong?"
Me" Don't go"
Okay maybe I was scared that she wasn't lying about his sickness and the idea of him losing him scared me.
Zuko" Then come with me"
Me" Okay"


After a long day he retired to bed before me and I decided to call Busi, I needed to talk to someone.
"Am I not interrupting?"
I asked
Busi" No baby, what's up?"
Me" I wanna tell you something, vent almost but it's not my thing to tell you and I know I shouldn't know"
Busi" About Zuko?"
Me" Yes"
Busi" Do you think he'd be hurt by you knowing?"
Me" Yes"
Busi" Then ask him, see what I said, whatever she told you is about to strain your relationship. He's been nothing but honest with you and now you are letting something she told you taint your relationship. Speak to him"
Me" I can't even tell him I am pregnant. How do I tell him that I know won't be alive to see his child?"
Busi" Wait, what?!"
Me" We didn't use a condom when we went to Jo'burg, and I bought a home hiv test and I bought a pregnancy test too because Zuko and I have been so reckless. So I found out I am pregnant yesterday morning before he came home"
Busi" Now what?"
Me" I don't know. See why I have been crying because if Samke isn't lying then I am fucked"

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