The unlaced sneakers

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"Naya, and that one… I mean, that Type" Tharn pretends to have forgotten the boy's name, "has no friends at all? What, in a normal sense, no one communicates with him? Do they just use him?"

On Saturday, more from boredom than from a great desire, Tharn agreed to "take a walk" with Naya. After taking a drink in a cafe — the girl ordered a banana milkshake, while Tharn drank cold milk tea - they went down to the ocean shore and now are walking along the coastline. Tharn suddenly remembered how Type was splashing across this viscous sand, awkwardly waving his arms.

"Tharn, well, what should they talk about with him? He can talk for hours about paints, brushes, prospects, but he can't say anything at all about ordinary, normal life for our age. Quite naive. Well, I've already told you: a child, a real child."

"M. And this child can be fucked with impunity somewhere around the corner. Well settled. What else to say."

"Tharn… He agrees… I've already explained it to you."

"What does he have to do with it? It's about those who do it with him. Or do they also have the intelligence of ten-year-olds?"

"And why are you so turned on because of Type? Not for the first time, by the way."

"I'm not getting turned on. It's just weird somehow. When your peers are trading like this and no one orders them. That's why I asked about friends."

Naya thinks about it, and then starts talking:

"Maybe you saw such a curly-haired guy walking with Sun, with a long earring?"


"This is Lhong. He's from parallel class. He and Type used to be inseparable. And now…"

"And now he gets in line to fuck a former friend? I'm really fucked up with your school, Naya. I'm sorry, but there are no other words. And it's not about this ill guy. It's about what the "normal" allow themselves."

"Well, wow," Naya grins, "for the first time I see at least some of your emotions besides the eternal poker face. It is worth paying tribute to our Type."

"Just don't think about what's not there, okay? I don't care about this poor fool, but next time it seems strange to you that I don't want to "join the team", don't ask about the reason. It is obvious."

Naya tilts her head slightly to one side, stands closer to Tharn, so that her forehead is almost at the level of Tharn's nose.


The girl tilts her face slightly, unequivocally licking her lips. Tharn barely refrains from rolling his eyes. Lips are about to touch the corner of his mouth…


Both start at the unexpected shout.

"P-f-f... Type," Tharn's companion shakes her head in disappointment. "Well, so timely..." she grumbles softly, turning to Type with a strained smile.

Very timely, Tharn rejoices to himself.

"Naya!" Type calls the girl again loudly, "come here quickly!"

"Let's go, otherwise he won't get off until morning," she nods condescendingly to Tharn, who just shrugs his shoulders. "Hi, Type, well... what do you want to show us, huh?"

Type just barely jumps on the spot with impatience:


"Where should I look, Type?"

"There!" Type points to the horizon with both hands.

"What's so special about it?"

The boy pulls out his lips in a tube, offended:

"How what?!" He turns his gaze to Tharn, who is standing a little further away, "don't you see either?"

Tharn notices how the scarlet fireball sinks into the horizon line, slowly dissolving into the distant waves. The sky seems to be flooded with molten gold.

"Don't you see anything at all?"

It's a pity to look at Type. No one seems to share his admiration. And for some reason Tharn now wants to support this miserable:

"It's a beautiful sunset."

He says it in a neutral voice, without emotion and enthusiasm, but you have to see what a sincere smile blooms on the face of Type:

"Very beautiful! And always different! Because the sky always has different colors, yes-yes!"

Naya's face expresses bewilderment. She looks with interest at Tharn, then at Type. The latter's gaze falls on Kirigun's sneakers:

"Oh! Have your shoelace tips quarreled and don't want to hug each other?"


The second time Tharn does not immediately understand the meaning of the words of this silly. And just looking at his sneakers, he guesses that his shoelaces are untied.

"Do you want me to reconcile them?"

"Um... what do you mean?"

Type rushes down, already grabbing the laces scattered on the sides, but because of surprise and embarrassment, Tharn roughly pushes him away, not calculating his strength at all: the boy falls to the sand, almost turning over his head. He is so scared and offended by Tharn's reaction that his lips begin to tremble.

"Well done, of course!" Naya helps Type stand up. "What will you do next time? Kick the legless one? And it's you who proclaimed something else here about morality to us! You're no better than Sun and his company, okay?"

"I didn't mean to hurt... I didn't expect him... so close," Tharn really looks lost, his eyes are darting over the frightened face of Type, "sorry ... did I hurt you badly?"

Holding Type by the elbow, Naya says to him without looking at Tharn:

"Come on, Type, your mom is probably waiting for you."

They're leaving. Type is no longer smiling today. And Tharn looks back again at the sunset, which now he sees only as a magnificent funeral for another aimlessly lived day.

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