The warm light

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"Tharn! Get up!"

It's still dark, Tharn feels through his sleep how restless Type is fidgeting by his side, but to put him down again, persuade him to sleep and so on - no, - whatever the Type is, he is already seventeen, and it's time for this guy to get used to responsibility. For his own life, as well.

But Type is not giving up. And, opening his eyes, Tharn notices that the room is dazzlingly sunny in the morning. It happens at sunrise.

"Type," Tharn sits down, pulling his T-shirt up, "well, where did you jump up so early?! Probably not even seven in the morning, right?"

"Six fifteen," Type lands on the edge of the bed, "and Naya has already made tea in the kitchen. Waiting for us."

"Naya? Did she wake you up?"

"No," Type shyly bites his lower lip. "I did."

"What for?"

"What for?!" Tharn hears the familiar enthusiastic intonation. "At dawn - tea is sweeter, and cookies are tastier. Didn't you know?"

Tharn shrugs his shoulders: his laughing face betrays complete hopelessness in the search for arguments "con".

"And the sun has such a warm light… Only now it happens, look!" Type nods at the half-open curtains, "isn't it warm?"

Tharn looks around, squinting, causing the golden rays to be refracted green, yellow, orange.

"Yes, Type. So that… Do I have to get up now?"

"Yes! And come to us soon!"

After washing and dressing, Tharn goes to the kitchen, where tea is already set with cookies, jam and buns. Tharn looks at smiling Naya, who has capitulated to the childish whim of Type, with a smile, nods understandingly to her and sits down at the table. Every five minutes, Type asks them:

"Wasn't I right? Well, tell me, it tastes better?"

In response, they nod to him, Naya pours more tea for the whole trio, but when Type, blushing, asks to go to the bathroom, the smiles vanish from the faces of both classmates.

"After nine, his mother will come for him, my father talked to her so that she would not press him hard for escaping and not scare him with a mental hospital."

"Naya, he's really not a fool at all. He solves equations that I wirk out three times longer. And no one believes him. Everyone really looks at him as a fool."


"What? It's more convenient for everyone, right?"

"Well, who will do it? He'll finish school, and that's good. What can we do with you?"

"Will finish school? And then? Will Mom lock him up in four walls? Or will he end it up exactly where he seems to fit? Did you see what happened to him?"

"Tharn. You were, like, going to the US. Have you changed your mind?"

"No. I haven't. So I... I want to help him while I'm here."

"How can you help him... his mother missed the moment."

"Why are you so sure that nobody can help him?! All he needs is to learn how to live in society. And to fight back against such as that bastard Sun. That's all "

Naya puts an empty cup on the table:

"That's all"? Are you serious, Tharn?"

"If you find a good specialist, I'm sure you can help Type."

"You will hardly find them here."

"And in Bangkok? We even had a good psychologist there at school. So finding a paid one who would work with Type is definitely not a problem."

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