Erasing hustle and bustle from life

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Anger and fear, hatred and resentment. Tharn had long ago locked up these feelings, as in a cage, and lived holding his breath. Indifferent indifference. It's easier this way. That's just with this "silly" it doesn't work out at all. Tharn finds himself thinking that every time Sun and his friends make nasty jokes about "our fool" or Naya inadvertently mentions him in conversation with a condescending smile, Tharn can't help but feel how excited he is about the name of Type. They didn't even "put up" with the girl. Tharn made no attempt to apologize, and Naya either silently swallowed the insult, or realized that Kirigun was a waste of time. What is now between them can be called a "restrained friendship". At least, that's how Tharn sees it. Although, his experience with girls is so small that relying on him is extremely invalid. Tharn just wants to be left alone once again. But most of all he wants Type not to be scared and take part in the competition. Tharn is sure that no one from this school is anyhow near as proficient in pencil, pastels and paints as Type.

"Type, wait a minute!"

For good luck, Kirigun meets the boy at the bus stop.

I wonder why he comes here if he studies at home?

They need different bus routes, so Tharn has to call out to Type just as he was about to go on the bus.


You're finally smiling...

"Um… Sorry. How long do you have to wait for another bus?"

"Fifteen minutes."

"Yeah. Well, it's not very long, right?"

"It depends for what," Type smiles even wider.

"Can we talk?"

"Of course. And about what?"

"Shall we sit down?" Tharn nods towards the bus stop.


Tharn decides that laying everything out head-on is "not an option", so he starts from afar:

"Type, why are you here? Have you been to school? Aren't you... studying individually?"

"Individually. But I come for tests and labs"

"And how are you doing?"

"Here!" rummaging in his funny backpack, more suitable for an elementary school student, Type takes out a folder with test sheets. "Not a single minus!"

Tharn notices very simple arithmetic problems in the text of the test. He solved such problems in the sixth grade. But, perhaps, for Type, this is a feat and a real success.

"Well done."

"Ah, nothing and not well done. These are very simple tasks! But when I told the teacher that I could solve trigonometry, logarithms and integrals, he looked at me so strangely, and then just smiled and didn't answer. He probably thought I was lying. Mom also doesn't believe me that I can do tasks harder than they give me, but I'm not offended: she has so much work… She just doesn't have time to believe me!" with his usual good nature, Type explains to Tharn, who looks at him thoughtfully.

"Harder than they give you, you say…" Tharn seems to take a pause, considering what he has heard. "Wait."

Tharn opens his backpack and takes out a notebook on rings. For homework there is a piece of paper with logarithmic equations:

"Listen, do you know how to solve this?" Tharn points to one of them with his finger.

Type looks at the task and quickly starts nodding:

"There is nothing complicated here. In the left part, everything is solved with two formulas. And in the right you need a graph of the logarithmic function. It's simple, Tharn. Do you want me to write a solution?" Type is already reaching for the pencil case.

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