Your heart is purring

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Tharn is walking along the shore and his heart jumps when he sees Type sitting by the ocean with his sketchbook. The boy is bent over it and seems to notice nothing and no one around. One thing pleases: despite Friday, Sun's face does not loom nearby.

"Hi, Type," Tharn stands to the side, not daring to sit down next to him.

Type takes his eyes off the drawing, - of course, sunset over the ocean, Type, - and a smile lights up the boy's face in an instant:

"Hi! It's good that you're here!"

Someday Tharn will learn not to blush, seeing and hearing these sincere emotions of Type about the simplest things. But not now.

"May I sit down?" Tharn nods to the next to him.


Tharn sits down in the lotus position.

"How are things going, Type? What did you do during the week?"

"I drew, read, did the school tasks and my homework, helped my mother…"

Type suddenly stops talking. And Tharn understands: having listed his affairs for the week, Type is still silent about what it will be unpleasant to hear to Tharn.

"You haven't told me everything, have you?"

The corners of Type's lips droop.

So it's true. Not all... eh, Type.

"Type. Who are they bullying you with? Answer honestly."

"No one bullies me…"

And he starts sniffing with his nose.

Tharn wants to ask directly, he thought about it last week: Is Sun threatening you with the return of those bastards from your childhood? If you don't go with him and his friends and let them fuck you? But how can I ask this child? Tharn can't help but think about the consequences of his questions.

"Okay, Type... here's what. I've been at home for a week, Googled what's going to be interesting in the city on the weekend. Starting tomorrow, a visiting art exhibition is open in our museum. Do you want to go?"

Type's eyes are shining: of course he wants to. But he shakes his head dejectedly:

"Mom leaves tomorrow afternoon for a day. I have no one to go with… And alone, probably, will not be allowed."

"So you're not going alone. With me."

"With you?.."

"Well, yes. Don't you want to?"

Type begins to smile a little again, lowering his gaze:

"I want to... aren't you busy?"

"Mm, I don't think so."

"And Naya?"

"What's with "Naya"?"

"Will Naya come with us?"

"Um... why? I mean," Tharn gets a little confused, "why does Naya have to come with us? Or do you want her to go too?"

"Aren't you a guy and a girl? I just thought lovers want to spend the weekend together."

Seriously, Type? And for some reason I want to spend this weekend with you.

Of course, Tharn doesn't dare say it out loud.

"We're not a guy and a girl. We're not dating, Type."


So... And what is this lack of an attempt to hide your joy, eh, Type?

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