The heart ray and stardust on the eyelashes

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"You know Lhong came to me just before the opening, you probably didn't cross paths..."

"Lhong? And what did he want from you? Has he decided to ruin such a day of yours?"

Tharn is even glad that they did not cross paths, otherwise he would hardly have restrained himself if he had heard with his own ears how this "best friend" says nasty things to his angel.

They are sitting on the Type's bed, between them, on a low stand table, there's tea made by Type, just like in the old days in his kitchen; a set of cakes and Thai takeaway. Tharn, of course, had the idea to celebrate the occasion with champagne, but Type, smiling, quietly pulled him by the sleeve from the alcohol display to the Chinese tea department.

"No! Vice versa... He has been asking me for forgiveness for so long, he is very remorseful..."

"Of course, of course, he is... He came when you're doing well. Where was he when..."

Tharn mentally stops himself: why remind the boy about "then" now... no. No way.

"Well, I don't believe him, Type. And you too, please be careful with him."

"Tharn," Type moves sideways and puts his head on Kirigun's shoulder, "he just fell under the influence of Sun... Today he was very sincere, even cried when I asked him to stay, but he left anyway... once again asked for forgiveness and left."

"There's nothing for him to do there. And he didn't deserve your forgiveness. And it's not about Sun. Isn't there his own head on his shoulders? Oh, yes, he's a part of that herd."

"You know... Naya said that almost no one communicates with Sun. There was some kind of bad story. And everyone turned away from him, all his friends... I feel sorry for him. I know what it's like when you're all alone."

Found someone to pity, Type... your kind soul.

Tharn carefully puts the table to the floor and pulls Type into his arms:

"You'll never be alone again, baby."

Type only presses closer to him, quietly asking:

"And never... how many days, hours and minutes is that?.."

Tharn blows a curl from his forehead:

"What do you mean?"

"Well... You're going to leave again when the holidays are over, aren't you? So I ask: how long is your "never be alone"?

Why does Tharn have a stormy sea in his soul again?

"Type," Tharn covers him more tightly with himself ... just like in that picture, "I'm not going anywhere else from you."

"But..." Type instantly removes his head from his shoulder and now looks into his eyes with such wounded hope, "but what about the studies? Have you been... kicked out?"

At the last word, the kid rolls his eyes so guiltily that Tharn lets out an involuntary laugh:

"No, of course," Tharn pats him on the top of the head, "I have already sent the documents for transfer to Bangkok. The department is the same, however, I was warned that after the New Year I have to retake the exams for the first semester, but this is a trifle. It's just a pity that I spent half a year of my life... on the wrong thing."

Type runs his eyes over his face, and then so childishly grabs the sleeve of Tharn's T-shirt with his fingers:

"Have you told your parents yet?"

Tharn nods, tucking a curl behind Type's ear. The storm in the chest is replaced by a serene calm.

"And they don't mind?"

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