My little garden

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"Mhm… Hi, Naya. Are you already sleeping?"

"What else can I do at two in the morning on Friday?"

Tharn squints with a sense of awkwardness: well, how could he forget about the twelve-hour difference?

"Damn… Naya, I'm sorry, it completely slipped my mind."

"Yeah, what did you want? I mean, I would, of course, chat with you, but not at this hour, Tharn."



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"Why are you silent? Well?.. Oh, Kirigun, you either speak directly, or that's it, bye, I have to get up in five hours!"

"When was the last time you talked to Type?"

"Pfft. We went to the movies last weekend."

"Two of you?.."

"No, Tharn. No. If you're going to be jealous of me, I'll fuck you off right now, and don't call or text me anymore."

"Um... no. But... who else was with you? Techno?"

"No. Type's roommate, Chin. For sure, Type told you about him. Is that all?"

"Mhm. And how do you like him? That Chin."

"Nice guy. I think he and Type got along really well."

"Did they get along great? And you don't think that this Chin just drives his dick closer to Type!"

"Even so, then what?"

"Naya, just don't tell me that you forgot about how much Type got because of such Chins, Suns and others."

"I haven't forgotten. And believe me, Type hasn't forgotten that either. But he has the right to be happy, to be with someone who is fond of him. And don't mix Chin and Sun. I told you: he's a nice guy. So, stop itching and just be happy for our Type."

Tharn starts staring blankly at the screen again, playing with his muscles.

"That's all, Tharn. You can keep silence without me. Bye!"

"No, Naya, wait!.."

"Bye, Tharn."

Naya abrupts the call leaving Tharn with even more questions in his head.

What did I want? So that he, like Hachiko, will be waiting for my return. And what would have changed?

Tharn leans the back of his head against the cold wall, picks up his portrait with Type. Carefully takes it out of the frame and puts it on his knees drawn to his chest. At first, he looks for a long time, and then gently touches the strokes with his fingertips. It begins to seem to him that this way he will be able to feel the warmth of the gentle fingers that held the pencil and pastel, he will be able to feel the warm light of his Type.

Another month of increasingly rare and short calls. And not because there is no desire to talk, but simply both have a different life now. Different. With different interests and different surroundings. Tharn remembers how easy it was once to move from Bangkok to the island, to cut off all his few connections. But why, even after almost six months, "it does not subside"? Why is Type still so "aching" in his chest? Perhaps because he lacks this state of constant care of another person who is so desperately in need of him?

And what's more... that warm, most sincere smile in the world.

You're smiling to him now, aren't you, Type?..

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