Miracles do not take days-off

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Tharn felt the consequences of his conversation with the principal the very next day. It is obvious that Sun, predictably flaunting his impunity, managed to turn half of the high school students, looking into his mouth, against Kirigun in a day.

Sidelong glances and silent contempt on their faces.

Bumps in the shoulder, ostensibly by accident, when Tharn is walking down the school hall.

And to top it all off, Sun appeared before the start of math class with a baby diaper in his hand, which he raised higher, exposing to everyone:

"Tharn, you've lost something here," to the accompaniment of giggles and hooting, Sun grins, staring at Kirigun sitting quietly at the end of the class. "Do you put it on yourself? Or will Mommy come to change it at lunch?"

"Let me pass," Tecno runs past the triumphant brat, heading to his place next to Tharn.

Tharn, who henceforth, in principle, did not count on any more or less tolerable communication at school, is in no hurry to remove his backpack from the next chair:

"What? Will you sit with the "snitch"?" He nods at embarrassed by such a greeting Techno.

Techno shrugs, puts Tharn's backpack on the back of his chair and calmly sits down. There are still ten minutes before the class, Sun, under the stormy approval of a good half of the class, continues to throw meager witticisms, and next to Tharn's hand there is a chocolate bar. Tharn, perplexed, squints at Techo smiling at him:

"What's that?"

In response, they shrug their shoulders again:

"Delicious. Eat it after lunch."

Tharn grins, takes a candy bar and winks at the guy:

"Thank you, No. I didn't even expect that you..."

"That I won't turn out to be such a bastard?"

Tharn looks away, not knowing what to say. And Tecno pats his shoulder encouragingly:

"All right, Tharn. It's not forever. Well, they will make noise for three days, then everyone will give a fuck, they will find a new entertainment. I know you didn't do it for yourself... for the sake of Type."

Tharn closes his eyes, mentally moving back to last night: he and Type were sitting on the shore. The boy was drawing the sunset sky again, occasionally distracting himself from his occupation to look back at Tharn watching him intently and give him his happiest smile. And Tharn suddenly imagined that a few more months it would be all. And no one will give him this smile, no one will tell him something childishly kind and a little naive, will not look at him as if he is the concentration of the whole world.

Well ... I lived somehow without all this, he began to calm himself, and I will continue to live.


And today, apart from Techno, Naya and a couple of other guys, no one said a word to him. But Tharn is not worried.


The boy is standing outside the gate, clutching a folder with notebooks to his tummy. And from the school yard, with the air of a master of the situation, Sun comes out with a company. Tharn, chatting on the porch with Naya, already wants to rush to help, but Naya stops him:

"Take your time. He has to fight back against them himself. You can't be around him 24/7. Let him learn independence."

"Aha, what else!"

"Stop!" Naya again grabs the elbow of the ready to rush to the defense of Type Tharn. "Well, I'm telling you, we'll wait. Let's see how he behaves."

Gritting his teeth, Tharn nods, and his pulse is so fast that a little more and the blood will flow over his wrists.

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