Special chapter. I'll gift you with one secret

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"Just come to my dreams every night, Tharn… Okay?"

"Sure, baby. And so that you don't miss me so much, I'll gift you with one secret…"

They have been together for two years. Grown-up and even much prettier Type is still pure, sincere and irresistible in the loving eyes of Tharn. It's been a year since they moved out of their college campuses and live together in the apartment of Tharn's parents, who decided not to sell it.

Both have no idea how they will endure two months apart, during which Tharn is sent to train in another city.

But he did come up with something so that his cute Type wouldn't be so sad.

"A secret? Just like the Fox gifted Little Prince with it?"

"You'll see for yourself, baby," Tharn hugs his beloved boy, and Type clings to him trustfully.

"Okay.… But still... come to my dreams, Tharn!"

"All right."

The first lonely morning. Type pushes his feet into the slippers, resting his left hand on a tightly folded piece of paper.

"There is such a firm rule: get up in the morning, wash, put yourself in order — and immediately put your
planet in order."

A pretty face is illuminated by a beautiful smile. His beloved Tharn decided in his own way to take care of the baby.

I wonder if this is not single such note?

Not single.

In the side pocket of the college bag, Type finds:

"I would like to know why the stars are shining... Probably so that everyone
can find their own"

And the stars are shining. And Type is all glowing.

For a whole week, throughout the apartment, the baby finds cute notes with words from the book so beloved by both.

But it's only for a week that Type pulls himself together.

Then, despite the daily messages and video calls, it gets really hard.

The guys — Naya, Chin and Techno — are trying to shake him up. But neither going out, nor a movie, nor an offer to go somewhere for the weekend - nothing helps.

The third Monday without Tharn. Type didn't want to wake up at all —they were so close in the dream.

Type looks at his reflection in the mirror: pale skin — and where has the usual tan gone? The area around the nose is peeling. It stings the swollen eyelids, the eyes seem sunken. He still can't get used to going to bed alone every night and waking up when no one is around him. Just in case, he checks with his hand — no. This is followed by a morning shower alone and dressing without hugging from behind… Empty.


Type wakes up in the darkness of the room. He reaches for the phone on the nightstand to find out the time.


Sleep is not coming. Type decides to read something, barely restraining himself from the urge to dial Tharn. He gets up to take a book from the shelf above the desk in the other room. Turns on the light and gasps: at the desk, bent over his notes, sits ... Tharn?

"Baby, what are you doing here? You couldn't get to sleep again?"

Type squints and opens his eyes again.

He's in his bed. He stretches out his hand to check the place next to him. His breath is getting out of control. Type hopes so much that he will feel his native warmth.

But there's no one there. Empty.

Type feels his heart sinking. Tears burn his eyes. And again it begins to seem that the world has already died.

I feel so bad without you, Tharn!..

The next day, Type honestly confesses about his night visions. Concerned, Tharn cautiously suggests:

"Baby, maybe you need to see a doctor? Let him prescribe you a sedative so that you sleep well at night."

I have one sedative. It's you, Tharn.

"No… I won't go alone."


"I shouldn't have told you, right? Are you going to worry about me now and study badly?"

"I won't study badly, but I worry about you all the time. I really miss you, Type," Tharn brings the screen close to his face, "really, really hard."

"Me too..." Type jerks his shoulder, "but I'll wait for you anyway. So don't worry about me and don't get distracted."

Both know that the last request is completely useless: Tharn will always worry about the one who was tamed by his sharp-sighted heart, which saw the true beauty and kindness of this baby.


Today the sky is overcast, and heavy rain has been falling for two hours. Type runs to the bus as fast as he can. By the time he gets home, he's soaking wet. Water streams down from his hair — the kid is so absent-minded these days that he didn't think about an umbrella at all.

With trembling fingers, he opens the door lock, wipes his feet on the mat and takes off his damp sneakers.

A hoarse exclamation.

Tharn's sneakers are already there.

Type raises his head to see how he opens his beloved arms to meet him.

"Tharn?.. No, no," Type shakes his head, so that the spray flies around. "It can't be you… I haven't fallen asleep yet…"

"But it's me, baby, it's me, your Tharn," Type — damp, cold and trembling — is pressed to a warm chest, "it's me, baby."

It's him. This is his Tharn! Type's heart rejoices. He does not disappear, he does not crumble in front of his eyes. Type can hear his heart beating. And Type really wants to kiss him.

"So, baby: hot bath, hot dinner and sleep. Ok?"


Today Tharn does everything for him. He takes care of his boy, gently soaping him in the bathroom and watering the foam off him, and then wipes him with a warm towel; feeds him a delicious dinner and puts him to bed, wrapping his arms around Type.

"I'm selfish, aren't I, Tharn?" Type babbles, sniffling — time in the rain has not been in vain. "Are you going to have trouble studying because of my hallucinations?"

"No trouble, baby," Tharn kisses him on the tip of his nose, on the crease above his upper lip, "it's all right."

"No… It's not. I've ruined everything… I shouldn't have told you."

"Well, why? Type. I told you: it's all right. I made an agreement at the dean's office, I will do the rest of my internship at a company in Bangkok."


"Really. Sleep, baby," Tharn blows on his eyelashes — this is one of their rituals before going to bed — blow away the stardust so that it does not get into your eyes.

"Please, be here when I wake up tomorrow," Type whispers and again can't hold back tears — his heart is too full of feelings.

Tharn is here, Tharn is hugging him, and Type finally feels real. Tharn kisses the tip of his nose again, then his tears, and then the clumped eyelashes. He runs the hand over his wet cheek to brush away the salty moisture, and finally kisses his Type on the lips.

Type is delighted. Type falls asleep with one thought: how great it is to look not at the phone screen, but into each other's eyes.

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