You can hear yourself in silence

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But did we... did we...

Asking "where am I?" is awkward and stupid, and it's not difficult to guess, it's worth looking at these cheerful pandas in bamboo leaves and a wide smile on Type's face expressing perfect impatience.


"Type. How did I end up here?"

"Don't you remember anything at all?"

Still not easier.

"I remember walking across the beach... then you... and I passed out... right?" Tharn gets up and pulls this baby blanket up to his neck.

"Yeah." and again that satisfied smile.

And what are you happy about, huh, Type?

"Type. I am wildly ashamed that I am like this… But I have two questions. Will you answer... honestly?"

"Of course. I told you that it's not good to lie."

"Great," Tharn takes a deep breath in his chest. "Firstly: how did I end up in this bed... um... in my underpants. Eh?"

"Well, I couldn't find out from you where you live. So I brought you to my place, it was not far away there. And sleeping in sneakers and jeans is uncomfortable. I wouldn't take off the T-shirt, but you vomited on it. Here. Shouldn't I have done this?"

And for the second time in the last week, Tharn wants to sink through the ground.

"You… Did you drag me on yourself?"

"Well, not all the way. You walked a little with your own feet."

Let's say, Tharn's thoughts are rushing from temple to temple.

"Okay. But…"

"I washed your things. I mean, the washing machine did," Type shyly corrects himself.

"Mhm… Thanks. So. The second question. Since I'm like this… And in your bed… You and I didn't have anything?" without much thought, Tharn adds: "...I hope so."

Type begins to flutter his eyelashes quickly, and then loudly, almost shrieking, laughs:

"No, we didn't fuck. A drunk like that wouldn't get hard, didn't you know?"

And for the third time, Tharn wishes that the earth could just open up under his feet. Type, of course, is too naive to choose expressions, but sometimes his directness just kills.

"It pleases."

"What it won't get hard when you are drunk?" without mockery, still naively, Type asks.

"Mhm... first," Tharn doesn't even want to say it out loud.

"Aah," Type begins to rock on his heels. "And I haven't eaten yet. Shall we have breakfast together? Well, I only know how to make scrambled eggs, but with sour cream, very tasty, yes-yes. Here are your things—" Tharn watches where Type nods, "washed; everything is at hand in our apartment, get dressed and come to the kitchen. Mom will be back for lunch, you can take your time."

Damn!.. Mom!

Tharn emerges from under the blanket:

"My phone... It was inside of my jeans."

"Really?" Type rolls his eyes and clasps his cheeks with his palms. "I didn't know…"

"Did you wash it with the jeans?!.."

Tharn is already looking forward to talking to his parents about the new phone. Let them not be poor, but Tharn was never spoiled with extra spending on gadgets.

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