Bask on pebbles and make angels on the sand

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Today Tharn wakes up unusually early for a weekend. The message from Naya comes at exactly 7:30, but Tharn was already lying with his eyes open before that.

"We have everything ready. Come at 6. Without delay!!!"

Tharn throws the phone somewhere to his side. In front of his eyes — yesterday, with a huge smile of Type. And Type's eyes shining with excitement.

"To the beach? And what are we going to do there? Bask on pebbles and make an angel on the sand?"

Tharn remembers how, unable to resist, he hugged him and quickly kissed him on the temple:

"We'll come and find out."

For six months, Tharn has been watching this boy "grow up", how he tries his best to catch up with everyone in the school curriculum, how he avoids unnecessary companies, how he tries to skip the giggles in his direction.

"Tharn, am I already quite like an adult?"

Type, you're a great guy and I can see how hard you're trying… But please don't rush to grow up. Stay a bit more "little" for me.

After those consultations in Bangkok, for some reason, Tharn decided that Type would begin to move away from him. On the one hand, it made his life easier: he naively believed that the poorly concealed love of Type, being completely childish in nature, would dissipate very quickly. On the other hand, no matter how much he struggles with himself, it is useless to deny: he is incredibly strongly attached to Type and the only thing he expects is his imminent move to the US.

Type, of course, is holding up. And he doesn't whine every time they meet: I don't want you to leave, Tharn... But everything is written in his eyes. Tharn hopes only that separation from him will not be a reason for negative dynamics. Only Tharn forgot to remind himself that he does not yet imagine how to live even an evening without Type's smile.

It's probably not Type. He's the one who needs to grow up. And learn to make adult decisions without regrets.

Tharn bites his lip and still gropes for the phone with his hand, opens the gallery... smiles. Their selfie from Tharn's Birthday, where he hugs Type from behind with both arms, pressing his cheek to his. Tharn has no doubt: this is his first "happy" photo of such a day. And all because there was another, equally happy being next to him, who needed nothing but Tharn near, his understanding and care.

There is, however, something else that Type would be happy to get from him. And Tharn tries to convince himself: it will pass.

The gift from Type — this kid managed to draw their portrait together on the first night in Bangkok, - always in sight, framed and in a well-lit place. In it, Tharn seems to be having the ninth dream, and he is dreaming something very good - judging by the sweet smile. And Type is lying next to him, pressing his temple against; his eyes are wide open and smiling along with his lips. Type was so embarrassed when he gave him his creation:

"I'm sorry, I know it's nothing, Mom only gave money for the frame... if you don't like it, I'll tear it up and throw it away right now!.."

"Well, what are you talking about, Type, what are you… This is the best gift ever in my life!"

Tharn then scooped him up in his arms, not caring that his parents were standing behind him, letting him go only when the boy, for lack of air, began to catch it with his mouth in fits and starts. And it's good that the parents were there, otherwise… Tharn remembers this almost act of his, hiding his face in the pillow. He has no idea how he would justify himself to himself afterwards. And he would also give a fragile hope to Type, and then so shamelessly take it away.

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